Chapter One

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Pierce Pascall POV:

    "Prince Pascall!" I hear from down the hall. Kevin enters my room suddenly. Oh how wonderful his green eyes are. They way they go with his Light brown hair, makes me feel butterflies inside. I just loved the way he stood over me.

     "Prince, It's time for supper. Your presence has been requested by your mother. She demanded you must not be late." I smile and nod. "I'll be right down. You go ahead Kevin." He gives me a smirk and presumes his way down the hall.

    I check to see him down the hall, then I rush to hide the book of spells under my bed. I had encountered a wizard about a week ago and was very interested. My Mother and Father would be very displeased to know I was reading this book. They must not find out.

    I quickly walk down the hall, nodding to the guards as I pass by, trying not to stumble. After a few more halls, I finally get to the dinning room. Before I enter, I fix my hair and rub my suit. "Ugh, here we go again." I mumble. Then I enter the room.

    I see my Mother and Father sitting at the opposite end of the table from another Royal couple. A charming young prince stood up and shook my hand. He was only slightly taller then me. He had Dark Black Hair with brown highlights, and amazing Brown eyes of chocolate like essence.

     "Grettings, Prince Pascall. I'm Henry Perry, from the Perry Family. We are the kingdom to your right." He smiles and Gives a small peck on my hand, giving a slight bow. I blush and Bow back to him. "My Pleasure." I stand tall, but he's still a little taller then me.

I head to my seat, near my Parents. I dreaded suppers like this. Not because I hated meeting our neighbored kingdoms, but because of my Parents not truly showing any short of love for me. I Sit, but as a do, a white flash of light blinds me. "Ugh Already! I don't want top leave!" Then I open my eyes to my normal, boring room. "Ugh." I groan and get up from bed.


It's now Half till Six and I need to get ready for my first day of senior year. I'm both excited, but terrified, to be going to a new school. I'm considered poor and I'm going to a Rich school with some pricks of students. I don't know anyone there and I'm definitely going to get made fun of, not only for being poor, but for being Gay. I'm not excited for the damn homophobes again.

I get dressed and head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Good morning, Dear." My mom smiles in my direction. She has long, beautiful, Brown hair. With Ocean like, blue eyes. We had almost the exact eye and hair color. "Hey Mom." I continue towards the kitchen to find my Sister, Chloe, Making pancakes. I steal one of the plate and she smacks the back of my head. "Asshole." She mumbles behind me. I giggle, scarfing down the pancake.

"Ready for your first day of school, you two?" My Mom hugs my sister first then does the same for me. "Wouldn't say ready is the word I'd use." My sister replies. I just nod as I walk out the door. My sister follows close behind. "Love you!" Our mom yells. "Love you too!" We yell back.

We arrive to the end of the driveway, where we wait for the bus. Either one of us could drive, but neither of us felt like driving today. Besides, I don't have money for gas right now.

The bus arrives after ten minutes of waiting. As we walk up the steps, we see the bus almost completely full. We find the last open seat, and sit together.

"So, Pierce, excited to be the new kid again." Chloe laughs, giving me a nudge. "Oh shut up, your the new kid too." I elbow her shoulder. She smiles. "True, but I'm more independent then you." I roll my eyes and turn away from her. "It's the last year of this shit anyways." I look out the window. Honestly, I'm glad this is my last year of school. I hated that we were always the new kids every year. Our mom had to relocate once a year for her job. Luckily, Chloe and I are turning eighteen this year. We don't have to move with Mom anymore. Our birthday is in a few months, and we will finally be free. I don't know what Chloe wants, but I know I'm staying here. I'm tired of moving constantly.

We arrive to the school, and let me tell you this, its the biggest school Ive ever seen. Its like that one school from Harry Potter, Towers and all. I see my sister is just as amazed as I am. "How can mom afford this?" Chloe states. "I have no clue. Maybe some unknown money she had or something." "Or she's being sleeping with a rich guy." Chloe laughs. I punch her arm and she lets out a small "Ouch" and glares at me.

We are the last off the bus but everyone notices us first, only because our non-designer clothes. Everyone else was wearing expensive things, then there was us, wearing Walmart and Ross clothing. Can't wait to be teased about that later. Ugh.

Chloe and I go our separate ways and I head down the main hall. I head to locker 105, were I'd be putting my extra things. I walk up to my locker and right next to me is a couple making out, yuk. I give a small cough, letting them know I'm there. They move over a little, never stopping their kiss. I never understood how people could do that. I mean, I've never been in a relationship like that. For all I know, its a "Normal" couple thing. Gross.

I Check my schedule, first is Math, the subject I hate most. Room A13, great, I have no idea where I am going. Then a familiar voice asks "You lost new kid?" I look up to see a familiar face. Kevin from my fake reality? That's not possible. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask. He smiles. "Not that I know off." He grabs my schedule. "Oh, we have the same home room. Room A13 is this way, follow me new kid." He hands me my schedule and heads toward the A hall. I follow close behind, trying not to get lost in the crowd of students. The boy notices I'm stumbling and grabs my hand. He smiles down to me and pulls me into the A hall. "Thanks." I say. "Didn't want you to get trampled." He laughs, he heads towards room 13 but before he does I stop him. "Wait, I didn't get your name." He shows a face of realization. "Oh, I'm sorry. The name is Kevin, Kevin Massy. You are?" Wow, what are the odds of his name being Kevin. My fake reality must be fucking with me. "My name is Pierce, Pierced Pascall." He smiles. "Pretty name for a Pretty face." He says as he turns away. I'm immediately flustered. Wow.

I wait until hes in class, then I walk in. I don't know why I did that, but I did. As I enter the room, I feel eyes on me immediately and the whispers start right away. I forgot that they all see me as the Poor new kid. I roll my eyes and head to the back of the class.

Last Class of the Day

I'm in Band now, I play the piano. Ive played the piano since I was little and I'm quite good at it. It was like therapy for me, just the way the sound would blend together to make an amazing tune. How wonderful it sounded as it entered my ears. What a gift music is.

I stay after class to play a little extra for a song I wanted to learn. As I sit down to play once more, a small girl enters the room holding an envelope. "Hey new kid, I'm Hayley. I heard you in here playing and just wanted to invite you to my homecoming party this weekend." She hands me the envelope. "Uhhh..." I don't know how too respond. "Just think about it." She says and leaves to return to her friends.

Later At Home

I'm not one to go to parties, but I wanted to make some new friends. After all, this could be my permanent home. I should get myself out there a little, besides, Kevin might be there. Ugh He's so handsome. The way he stood over me makes me feel so safe. His muscles bulging through his shirt, oh what he could do. I think I'll go.

After dinner, I head to bed. I had a long day at school and I'm really tired. Well and the fact that I'm excited to see Kevin in my Fake reality again. I think its amazing that I met him In real life. I wonder who else is real in my fake reality. I guess we shall see.

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now