Chapter Two

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    In Fake Reality

    Kevin enters my room as I open the book of spells. "What do you got there your Magi-sty?" He asks, looking at the book. " A book of spells a wizard gave me a couple days ago. I wanted to learn some magic for a fun hobbie." Kevin looks concerned. "What would the King and Queen think of this." He frown. "Well Kevin, they don't have to know about this. This can be between just me and you." Kevin looks down at his feet. "I don't know about this, they would be very displeased with me." I stand up and hold his face in my hands. "I wont let anything happen to you Kevin, now can you come sit with me and help me understand what this means."

    Kevin and I try small spells and enchantments for hours on end. At one point I accidentally set a stand of his hair on fire with a heat spell. I got it out quick and we just laughed it off. Kevin points out a spell he wants to try. A love spell. It makes you fall in love with the first person you see. All you needed to do is close your eyes, imagine something you truly love in your head, then say, infiriostuctis. With a small wave of his hand, a small pink light leave his and and lightly hits my chest. I look at him and feel no different. "Did it work?" He asks. "I feel no different. Maybe you did something wrong?" He looks down at the spell book, "Maybe what envisioned wasn't good enough?" Kevin Says. Or maybe because I'm already in-love with him, but he doesn't need to know that. "I don't know, maybe."

    We try a few more spells before calling it a night. "Goodnight Prince." Kevin bows and smiles. "You know you don't have to Bow, Right?" He looks at me confused. "I don't?" I giggle. "Of course you don't silly, your my best friend." I see him blush as he starts to walk away. "Goodnight Kevin." He smiles and nods as he leaves my room.

    I look at the spell book once more but Before I close it, I see a enchantment that catches my eye. It grants the person who is enchanted the ability of a god, How cool! I wanted to try it one time before finally heading to bed. This enchantment required that I have nothing around me, and a full moon, so I head out to my balcony. Luckily the moon was full tonight. "I Grant thy' with thyn' power of the gods!" I yell. Nothing happens. Oh well I guess, time to wake up from this fake reality anyways.

Shifting Back to reality

    I head to my bed the close my eyes. The familiar flash of light floods my eyes and I'm back in my room. But something is different. I can't feel my bed under me. I look behind me to see my bed below me. I'm floating. What the hell! This isn't possible! I'm in the real world now, magic isn't real. I close my eyes, and I fall into my bed making a small thud. "What was that?!" My mom yells from the living room. "Sorry mom, I stumbled!" I lie, they can't know about this. "Oh ok honey." My mom replies.

    I run to look in my mirror to see if anything has changed. As I reach the mirror, I see my normal self staring back. Oh thank god. Maybe I was just seeing things, there's no way I was levitating in the real world. I must just be tired. Some coffee and breakfast will wake me up.

    I walk into the kitchen and start the brewer. I prepare my coffee mug with creamer and milk. I reach over to the coffee maker, but before I could touch it, my coffee was moving itself into my cup. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not seeing things. The coffee spills everywhere as I close my eyes. "Oh Fuck!" I get coffee all over my pajamas. But I look at the coffee once more to see if I can get it to move again. I stare at it and it all seems to gather itself back together. I try to move it by looking in the direction I want it to go. I lead it to the sink and it falls in. Wow, I can't believe I just did that.

    I head back to my room, amazed at what I had just discovered. I get dressed and notice the envelope Hayley had given me at the beginning of the week. It's the day of the party and I totally forgot about it. I open the envelope to see what The attire is. Casual Thank god. I don't have a suit so I would have been so embarrassed. The party is tonight and I hadn't told my mom yet.

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now