Chapter Thirteen

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   "What do you mean we will finally be saved?" Kevin looks startled at his mom's words. "Pierce is going to be the one to end the rein of Abraxas." Heather rubs my back as Kevin sits next to me. "And how is he supposed to do that?" He looks confused. "Apparently since I'm Abraxas's son, I'm the only one able to stop him." I explain to Kevin. "Sounds like every superhero story ever if you ask me." Kevin smirks at his own joke, but his mom nudges his shoulder. "Sorry." He rubs where his mom hit. "Now, Pierce. I think you should meet some people who can help you use your abilities." She goes to stand but before she does, I grab her arm. "Mrs. Massy, I have one more question." She sits back down. "What is it dear." I hadn't gotten a real explanation about the alternate reality, so now is the time. "Well, whenever I sleep, I go to this weird reality with other descendants of gods." Heather smiles and puts one hand on my face. "Oh honey, That's normal for descendants of gods. We all go there for the beginning of our journey. It's meant to help you find answers that no one can give you." She looks over to Kevin and grabs his arm, pulling him closer to us. "I need you boys to bring all your descendant friends here tomorrow and I want to try something with you." Kevin pulls away from his mom. "We only know one other person mom." Kevin looks over to me, he's talking about Henry. "What about my sister?" I look over to Heather. "She doesn't have abilities like me though." Heather gives me a weird look. "Are you sure she's a descendant then?" Heather asks. "We are twins, so I'm pretty sure." Heather grabs the book from the dinning room table and opens it. "That's weird, she should have them by now. Maybe she's a late bloomer." I see that Heather opened up to a page about descendants. "I thought only one sibling got the abilities." Heather looks back up to me. "Oh not at all. Every descendant should get their abilities around your age. Did she ever go to the other reality?" I recall the night Chloe had talked about. "Once, she recently did a couple nights ago after I had healed her." Heather looks more confused now. "How marvelous. I've never heard of this before. I think since you're twins, she might just be in a later state of development, but she will get her abilities at some point. How about you guys bring her tomorrow." 

   I text Chloe as Heather makes some cookies. -Are you busy tomorrow?- I asks. -No, Why?- She replies quickly. -Well I met another god, well goddess, and she says you should be developing abilities by now.- Chloe immediately starts typing. -That's not possible, didn't Henry say only one of us gets powers?- True he did say that to us. -Well, I wouldn't trust what he says anyways, he must have lied. Anyways, can you come tomorrow?- -Sure, and I assume you want me to tell mom you're staying the night there?- She knows me to well. -Yes.- I reply then close my phone. "What did she say." Kevin asks as I put my phone in my pocket. "She'll be here." Kevin nods. "That's good." He doesn't seem excited to see her. "What's up with the weird face Kev?" I notice his weird facial expression as I ask. "I realized that I'll have to be in the sane room as Henry." He seems upset about it. "Is that a bad thing?" I ask. "Well, it's not exactly easy for me to like him, after all he did try to hurt you and is the son of the God of death." He explains. I completely understand though. not even I know fully where I stand with Henry. "It'll just be once, then he doesn't have to talk to you again." I move closer to Kevin. "Yeah, I know it's just so we can learn. I won't turn it into a ordeal or anything, I promise." Kevin smiles at me as he speaks. "Thanks Kev, you really are a great friend." I hug him as I finish my sentence. I know he likes me so I try to make sure not to give him the wrong idea. He's a great friend and all, and I know he would make an amazing boyfriend, but I already have so much going on with Peter and Henry.

   "Oh, am I interrupting something." Heather says as she holds her tray of cookies. I let go of Kevin and smile at his mom. "Not at all." I grab a two cookies off the tray and hand one to Kevin. "Oh and Mrs. Massy." Before I finish my question, she interrupts me. "Please, call me Heather." She smiles. "Heather, may I spend the night." Heather puts a hand on my shoulder. "As long as you boys get up in time for school." I nod and look over to Kevin, where I see his grin. "Want to head to my room so we can make that board we were talking about earlier?" I stand up, as does Kevin, and I follow him towards his room. "Oh and boys." I look back at Heather. "Be safe." She winks at me. "Mom!" Kevin lets out an ugh as he walk down the hall. 

   We enter his room, where I see his medium sized room, filled with books, a comfy chair, and a queen sized bed. "How cute." I say as I browse over some of his books. "If you can't tell, I really like reading." He smiles at me as I look around. "I think I caught onto that." I sit down in the comfy chair and relax myself. I take my shoes off and set them gently in a corner, out of the way. Kevin grabs an empty board from his closet. "You just have one of those laying around?" I notice the blank white board. "I have a lot of them, I use them when I paint. I just got some new ones from Walmart." He sets down the board on the floor, along with some paper, pens, and markers. "Well, I didn't bring these out for nothing." He says to me. 

   We divide the board into two sides. One titled Henry, and the other side titled Peter. "Pro's first." Kevin says. "Let's see, Henry was the first person to acknowledge me at school, besides you of course." I say as I write Henry's Pro's. I think for a little while before I write again. "I know this is bad but I can't think of anything else. He did take me on a date, but that's not a Pro." Kevin looks at what I've written. "Really? Just that he acknowledged you and that he was there for a hard time?" Kevin looks at me with a confused face. "Ugh, but when he did those things, he was lying to me." I put my face into my palms, knowing that Henry didn't really have many Pro's. "What about Peter?" Kevin asks. "Well He comforted me when I was sad, that wasn't a lie. He also transferred schools for me. That's a really big thing to do for someone. He did trust me when I was practicing my abilities." I smile at the memory of making Peter fill with happy thoughts that day. "Well, by the way you're smiling about Peter, I don't think we need to do con's." Kevin giggles. "I think you're right Kev." I look down to the board, its still almost completely empty and we've already come up with my conclusion. "Should I call Peter?" I ask Kevin. He gives me a weird look. "Right now?" He asks. "Yeah, why not right?" Kevin shrugs. "Do it then." 

   I stare at Peter's contact in my phone. "Just do it Pierce." Kevin puts his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm my nerves. "Here goes nothing." I dial Peter and put the phone up to my ear. It rings twice then he answers. "Hey my love, something wrong?" I can hear that he's immediately worried, how cute. "No dork." I hear him sigh. "Oh thank goodness, I'm in the middle of watching the empire strikes back and didn't feel like getting up." I hear him giggle. "I just wanted to talk about something." I blush, thankfully he can't see me. "What is it?" Peter seems worried now. "It's you Peter." He doesn't answer. "What's me exactly?" I roll my eyes at his response. "I choose you dork." I hear his phone drop and him scream. "Peter! Are you okay?!" I yell. He picks his phone back up and I hear him breathing heavily. "Sorry, I just got really excited." I laugh at him. Then I hear  his door open. "What the hell Happened Peter?" I hear a woman ask him. "Sorry Aunt may. Remember that boy I was talking about." He says, still sounding excited. "Yeah, the one who's dating you and that one asshole boy." I roll my eyes, but I find it funny that Peter told his aunt about Henry. "Well, he chose me." Peter says excitingly to his Aunt. "Hey! I'm still here!" I say to Peter. "Oh right. Sorry." I smile at his cute tone. "I'll see you soon bug." I hear Peter giggle on the other end. "See you soon glow stick." I end the call and smile over to Kevin. Blush fills my cheeks. "Assuming that went well." Kevin smiles at my excitement. "Extremely." 

   "What about Henry?" Kevin asks. "I don't know what to say to him." I shrug, I still don't want to hurt Henry's feelings. "Maybe just text him?" Kevin suggests. "Bruh, that's break up no no number one." I face palm. "Well, do you want to call him?" I look back down at my phone to see messages from Peter. -Can't wait to see you- "You know what Kev, can you fly?" Kevin looks confused. "All descendants can, why?" He gives me a confused look. "We are going to go see Henry." Kevin lets out a loud sigh. "And why do I have to come?" I nudge Him. "You said it yourself Kev, he's literally the son of death." He rolls his eyes. "Fine, we will go to his house tonight, but under one condition." Kevin folds his arms. "And what would that be?" I fold my arms as well. "We get ice cream." He laughs. 

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now