Chapter Fourteen

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   "This is stupid." I say to Kevin as we eat our ice cream. "You sure? You seemed pretty adamant about chocolate chip mint." Kevin chuckles. I nudge his shoulder, but not to hard, I don't want to push him off the building we are sitting on. "Don't be an ass." I smirk at him. "Hey, I'm not the one complaining about ice cream." He smirks back. We just sit there for a minute and awkwardly look away. "That was weird." Kevin breaks the silence. I lick my ice cream and don't say anything back. 

   We finish our ice cream without talking, but before we leave, a loud explosion sounds off in the distance. "That was somewhere in town." I look over to Kevin. "Feel like a little detour?" Kevin smirks again. "Well, we cant go looking like this." He notices that we are still in our PJ's. "Yeah, you're right." Kevin smiles, an Idea must have entered his mind. "Mind giving us some cool outfits or something? You know, like all those cool superhero's you see on TV." I roll my eyes, he's such a fan boy. "Fine." I look down to his clothes. I want to make his outfit match his abilities. He glows a green and yellow mixture, so that's what I made his outfit into.  He smiles as he checks himself out. As he does, I change myself into my Neonce outfit. "You look fancy." Kevin says, checking out my new outfit. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Now's not the time, we need to go check out that explosion." 

   We fly off to the scene. There's weird liquid everywhere. Kevin goes to touch it but I yell at him. "Don't touch that you idiot!" Kevin gets startled by my words and falls backwards, away from the weird liquid. "Well look at that, some new hero's." A deep voice says from behind us. Kevin and I quickly look to see the source of the voice. A man with dark features and metal wings stands before us. Bombs sitting on his waist and a weird gun in a holster. "And who are you?" I say to the bird like man. He gives me a smirk as I ask. "That doesn't concern you two." The man tries to fly away but I shoot a burst of energy at his wings, causing him to loose balance and fall back to the ground. "I said who are you?!" I yell at the man as I walk closer. He shoots himself around, hitting my legs, causing me to fall to the floor. Kevin shoots himself onto the man and hits him into nearby debris. 

   I stand up and walk towards the man, using my telekinesis to crush his wings, like I did to the metal doors. I grab the mans belt and throw it away from him. "Now you're going to tell us who you are." I say sternly to the man. "Vulture." The man coughs. I give Kevin a confused look. "Vulture? Who named you? A two year old boy?" I laugh at the man. He tries to hit me but Kevin holds him down. As he does, I hear a thug behind me. "Oh, seems like you two got this." I turn around to see Spider-Man. I smile as he walks closer to me. "Don't worry bug, You can still take him to stark , or whatever you need to do." I give him a slight smile as I talk. "Thank you Neonce and..." Spider-man looks over to Kevin. "You can call me Gleam." Kevin crosses his arms, trying to act tough. "Ok, Gleam." Spider-man walks towards Vulture and wraps him in webs, carrying him. "Thanks for your help, we hope to hear from you both again." He says as he swings away with vulture. "That was quick." Kevin says. I shrug as I notice news vans outside the scene, along side some police cars and fire trucks. 

   We walk out to meet the news anchors. "Today we investigate the scene of an explosion that was heard earlier tonight. We meet the new hero's that arrived to this scene soon after." The woman says. She points over to Kevin and I as we stand next to her. I give a small wave and Kevin smiles. "Can we expect more from our new hero's?" The woman asks. Before I could reply, Kevin takes the microphone. "You will definitely see more of this great duo. Neonce and Gleam!" He says, standing proudly. I face palm as he talks. "We plan on protecting New York from future problems." He says, smiling to the camera. The woman takes the microphone from him. "How about you Neonce?" She looks to me, wanting a response. "Nothing has been made official yet, we were passing through and helped as much as we could. We promise the colprate won't be a problem again. He is held by stark industries and safe from the public." I give her a response that she would accept, but I immediately regret telling her about Stark. "There you have it folks, our two new heros work with Tony Stark, or more publicly know as the Iron Man. Will these two been seen more with the Avengers? Tune in at Eleven for more information." She puts the microphone down and signals the man behind the camera to cut. "Thanks hero's." She smiles at us and waves. 

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now