Chapter Eight

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   As the Quinn Jet Rises, I feel the vibration shake my body. I fall over into Peter, who had been sitting next to me. I had fallen into his lap, but as I got up, I made sure to slightly rub his thigh. He blushes majorly and looks away from me. What a dork. 

   As we start on our way back, Stark asks me a few questions, writing down stuff in his notepad. "How was it to fly like that?" He asks as Nat walks over to Peter, grabbing his arm, taking him to the front of this ship. "It felt as if I had hundreds of butterflies flying around in my stomach. It also gave me a large spike in adrenaline." Stark continues writing in his notepad. "How did you feel afterwards?" I look down at my hands. "Well I felt like I could do anything. I felt powerful and full of energy." He asks a few more questions. Soon after, I slowly fall asleep on our trip back.

Alternate Reality

   I wake up, but not in my bed. I'm in a familiar room, full of potions and books. This must be where the Wizard lives. "Welcome back Pierce." The Wizard comes in through the front door, holding wood. He drops the wood he had been carrying by the fire place and sits down in a large wooden chair. "Why am I here." The Wizard looks at me as I stand. "Well I think it's time that you learn more about yourself, don't you?" I nod as he points to some books titled, The Creator.

   I walk over to the book shelves and take down the book he pointed at. It feels like leather and very old paper. The book is held together by a lock. On the lock, it reads "Only thy descendants shall open." I show this to the wizard and he points at me. "You are the descendant." I realize what he means but I don't have anything to open the lock. I bring the book over to the wizard, still confused. "Did it come with some sort of key or code?" I point at the lock. "The key lies within the Descendants so only you and your sister can open that lock." I hold the lock, inspecting it. As I do, it opens up, unlocking the book. All I had to do was touch it? "The lock can sense your DNA. You and your sister have a very unique set. Only because of your father of course." 

   I open up the book to the first page. I see a man with a light source surrounding him. It appeared to be the same light that surrounds me when I use my energy. Abraxas is what they called him.  His name was created as a Mystical word, made from Greek letters. He had many abilities that no one could understand. These abilities were later described as Telekinesis, The ability to fly, Mind control, Memory manipulation, Reality warping, Telekinetic communication, create illusions of ones self, and the power of creation. All of which are the abilities that I had shown signs of. 

   Only those who have his DNA from birth, could posses these powers. One being, from each generation, could posses these powers. That makes more sense on why my sister doesn't have these same powers. Since we are twins it would have made sense for her to have them as well. I wonder why I was chosen to posses them? 

   I sit down on the floor as I continue to read. Each ability had a page of its own, describing the specifics on what they could do. I flip to the page about Mind control and memory manipulation. I could make anyone create new memories that they never made. I also can make anyone do anything I wanted, and that includes there physical mannerisms. If I really wanted, I could change their whole personality, dislikes, likes, and even their opinions. I can make someone into basically an entire new person.  

   On the page about creation, it shows some things that gods have created over the times, including earth and many other planets, even solar systems. One of which was the multiverse. You had to be a very Powerful god to create these things. I however only have the power of the second generation. I couldn't make entire solar systems but I could create anything i desired, from people to planets. 

   "Your father wrote this book." The wizard lays a hand on my shoulder as I continue to read. "In fact I helped him write this, I even enchanted that lock for your father." He added. "What was he like?" I asked, looking up at the Wizard. "Well, he was a wonderful man, still is. He's the creator of all. The greatest being to ever live." I smile and look down to the book. Opening to a page where I see the Wizard standing next to a taller man, most likely my father. he has similar features as me, except he was tall and I'm only 5'10. "He seems really cool." I admire the picture. "If he could, he would be here to teach you all this himself, but as a God, he won't ever get to meet you." I frown and see the Wizard do the same. "Why?" I ask. "Well, he's a god. He may be the greatest being alive, but he's no mortal." 

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now