Chapter Eleven

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   A Memory

   I look around to see a brightly lit room, a thorn centered on a large stand. Statues of many men and women surround the room.  I look over to see Henry standing next to me. "What is this?" I ask him as I notice two men talking ahead of us. "Just listen." Henry sounds sad as He replies.

   "I promise It won't happen again!" Says the Tall, dark haired man. "You've broken the sacred ruins, betrayed my authority, and you have the audacity to say It wont happen again. Thanatos, you have some nerve coming back here." The bigger, Middle-aged looking man says. "Please, Abraxas!" I shoot a look at Henry again. "That's my father." My wobbly voice shows Henry how I feel. I run towards the two men, but an Invisible barrier knocks me to the ground. "You can't interfere with memories." Henry puts his hand out for me. I grab his hand and pull myself up. "I think I got that."

   "You think You deserve my forgiveness? I think you have committed treason." My father says angrily. "Please! I was trying to help that woman!" My father smacks the tall man, making him fall to the floor. "You broke the rules Thanatos! No human should come in contact with a god!" My father kicks Thanatos as he lays on the ground, letting out grunts of pain. Henry cringes at the sight of his father being beat. I sigh and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." I say softly. Henry just nods. "What about Her!" Thanatos sounds angry now. "Do not speak of her! It is forbidden!" My father kicks Thanatos in the face, making his nose bleed. "So you're the only one who can mate with humans now!" Thanatos looks up to Abraxas as another blow hits him in the face once more. This time knocking him out. "Guards!" Abraxas yells. Two men enter the room through the large door way. "Dispose of this man. He has committed high treason." The guards look surprised at the words, but they do as he says. The two men drag Thanatos away. Abraxas yells in anger. The "Familiar" surrounds Abraxas as he rages in anger. He shoots a blast of energy a the throne, blowing it into pieces. Then, the memory ends.

   I open my eyes and face Henry. I grab his hand and put my forehead against his. "I'm sorry Henry, I didn't know." A tear roles down Henry's face. I rub my thumb on his cheek, rubbing the tear away. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to hurt you. You aren't your father." I hold his face as more tears fall down his face. "I'm not like that man. Just because I'm retaliated to him, doesn't mean I have the same values as him." Henry grabs my hand and pulls it away from his face gently. "We need a fresh start." I giggle and hug him. "School starts in an hour. I know it's not the best place to be, but it'll be a good distraction." Henry nods and his "Familiar" Surrounds him. "By the way, Henry?" He looks back at me as he starts to walk towards the opening. "Yes?" I let the "Familiar" surround me as I walk towards him. "What do you call your abilities. Henry smiles. "I call it my entity, how about you?" I rub the back of my neck embarrassed. "I call it my Familiar, because it looks like the light I see before going to the fake reality."  Henry giggles at my response. "I know, it's stupid." I start to fly off as Henry rebuttals my comment. "I think it's pretty cool." 

   As I follow Henry as He glides towards his destination, I think about all that has happened. I know I shouldn't forgive Henry so Fast, but in actuality, he had every right to be mad at my family. My Father killed his dad for no valid reason. My father is twisted in his own power. And If I'm being completely honest, I think Henry was in the right for wanting revenge. I'm just glad he decided to open up to me. I know things won't be the same between us as they once were, but I still hope he can trust me. Even after what he did, I still love him. He's the first person I've really been close to except Kevin. Speaking of, I haven't thought about Kevin since everything went down. Thinking more closely now, Kevin is most likely a descendant of another god, only because there's no way he can exist in both the alternate reality and this reality without being a god, But that's a problem for later. 

( Boy x Spider-Man )Pierce Pascall / Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now