Chapter Twenty-three

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Flashes blurred around me.

Nothing was clear and my head hurt. When I crouched down and closed my eyes though, I opened them to recognize a familiar forest. I could sense his presence.

"What do you want now?" I asked before turning to face him.

The scarred orange tom didn't smile this time like he usually did, or make a joke. His face was grim with focus and seriousness.

"Lavenderbreeze, you have to listen to me and actually take it serious for once." He said.

I sighed. "You know, I'm tired of your mood changes. First you mess with me, give me nightmares, then you act like you're helping me, then you mess with me and give me vague answers, now you expect me to take you seriously?"

The scarred tabby stepped closer. "I know I don't deserve this, but please trust me on this. It's a matter of a life or death, maybe both."

I looked him in the eye and saw no trace of the joking orange tom I had known before. "Okay, I'm listening."

"You have to leave Mistclan."

I rolled my eyes. "Not you too! Look, Flick has already tried that, there's nothing wrong in Mistclan. Did he ask you to persuade me?"

The scarred tom shook his head. "Actually, I'm the one who told him to convince you. It's not my fault you won't listen to reason. I figured I had to talk to you myself if you wouldn't listen to your friend."

"What reason am I not seeing? If you can explain, I might listen."

The orange tabby tilted his head. "Did your friend not warn you?"

My fur started to bristle as I got more frustrated. "Of course he did, but didn't convince me and didn't go into much detail!"

The scarred tabby sighed. "I can't really reveal much, but I will what I can."

He paused, and I sat down, showing that I was willing to hear him out.

"Secrets lie in Mistclan, shrouded by the fog. You must uncover them before it's too late. Remember this, your enemy is always closer than you think." The tom said.

I tilted my head. "How in the name of Starclan does that help me? If I have to hurry, shouldn't you be a bit less cryptic?"

The scarred tabby tom shook his head. "I have told you all that I can. You must seek further help elsewhere . . ."

His voice faded out and the sharp pain in my head returned I groaned and closed my eyes, crouching on the ground again.

Before even trying to open my eyes, I knew I was back in the Mistclan warriors den. What did he mean, secrets lie in Mistclan? Shrouded by the fog? Was I going to find something hiding in the forest? Which enemy was he talking about who was closer than I thought, Fogstar?

I opened my eyes and sighed. Why were Flick and the scarred cat so consistent on making Fogstar a bad cat? He was the one who offered to continue my training, the one to take me, Flick, and Bella into his clan as if we always belonged there. When has he ever done anything wrong?

I stood up and shook out my pelt. Maybe I would go talk to the elders - well, elder. I thought it was strange to have only elder in the clan, but maybe the others just died already from old age?

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