Chapter Twenty-five

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Snow drifted slowly to the ground as I trudged on. I didn't want to run the whole way and drain all my energy, but at this rate I would be too late.

I sighed and looked ahead. Nothing but trees and snow. Why couldn't I have just listened to Flick the first time he tried to warn me? Then we could have dealt with Fogbreeze together and I wouldn't be hurrying to see if he was okay.

I didn't know for sure that Fogbreeze would attack Flick, but the story Blizzardrain had told me more or less confirmed it. The gray tabby seemed to have grown closer to me in the past few moons which made me believe he wanted me to be his Mapleflight, but stay with him. It was obvious he could see the closeness between me and Flick, so he felt the need to get rid of him before the sandy tom convinced me to turn against Fogbreeze.

Of course this was just a theory, but what else could I think? It fit perfectly with his personality and ambitions, except for the part about attacking him in front of a whole patrol. That just wasn't discreet enough for Fogbreeze. Unless he would use his leader status against them?

The thought of what Fogbreeze might do to Flick made me pick up the pace. Even if I was going the wrong way, I would need to hurry to catch up to Bella. I didn't want her trying to protect Flick when Fogbreeze has had so much more battle training than the cream she-cat. Besides, she was a healer, not a fighter.

The snow clung to my fur and I shivered. Why did this have to happen during Leaf-bare? Why did Newleaf have to be so late? Why didn't I listen to Flick sooner? Why hadn't I eaten before leaving? Why did the snow be so cold? Why did the border have to be so long?

These thoughts ran through my mind but I didn't stop. I slowed to a walk, but I didn't stop. I pushed myself to keep going, even though the thought of stopping occured to me many times. I just kept thinking of Fogbreeze's intentions and continued on.


I couldn't tell you how long it took until I heard something other than the howling wind. It was something familiar, something I should recognize but was too tired to react to it. Something I had been searching for.


As soon as this registered in my mind, I shook out my pelt and looked ahead. I could just barely make out three figures ahead. I staggered toward them in relief but my legs felt numb and my pelt was like ice, not to mention my stomach felt like it was eating itself from not eating all day. So without ever consciously deciding to, I collapsed onto the snowy ground.


I heard a familiar voice calling to me. Pinepaw? Had he died as well and he was taking me to Starclan? No, that wasn't it. The orange cat? Why would he take me to Starclan? Unless I was going to the Dark Forest for not getting to Flick in time? No, that was a ridiculous way to be sent to the Place of No Stars.

"Lavenderbreeze, can you hear me?"

I groaned and made and effort to open my eyes. Familiar green eyes stared into mine. Now I knew I was in Starclan. At least we were here together.

"Flick . . ." I murmured.

If I was dead, why was I still so cold? I had asked myself a similar question before, which meant I might not be dead. I struggled to find my paws to stand but someone gently nudged me down.

"Wait, stay there. You don't need to g-get up."

The sandy tom shivered but lay down beside me and dropped something in front of me.

"Here, eat this."

Something warm and mouthwatering was placed a mouse-length in front of me. I stretched forward to take a bite and purred. The taste was just as good as the smell. I took another bite, and another. The warmth of the prey spread through me and the meat returned my strength to me. I was so hungry, I consumed every last bit of it, swiping my tongue over my jaws to get any remainders.

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