Chapter Fifteen

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Domino stepped back. "Aster." She addressed the centered black and brown she-cat.

I narrowed my eyes at Flick. I knew he would sell us out. Why did I even trust him again?

Flick gave me an apologetic look but I tore my gaze away. Instead I looked at Aster. What was she going to do to them?

"Domino, where are you taking our prisoners?" Aster asked the black and white she-cat.

"Just on a walk, they needed some fresh air." Domino said calmly.

"Is that so? Because I was told that you were helping them to escape." Aster said speculatively.

Domino flicked her tail. "These cats don't deserve to be trapped somewhere they don't belong. They shouldn't be forced to stay here. You should know that better than anyone."

Aster narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare bring that up." She hissed.

I looked at Aster, surprised. Something must have happened in her past which the two she-cats shared. Did it have anything to do with the fact that Aster seemed to know too much about the clans?

"Face it, Aster. You know this young cat is just like you were." Domino said, gesturing to me. "You want her to go through just what you did because she's a clan cat. Why not just punish the cat responsible instead of an innocent young cat?"

I heard a low growl come from deep inside the black and brown leader. "You know very well what happened. It's their fault he's gone, anyway!" She turned back to me and her claws unsheathed. "This may not be that golden brown fox-hearted backstabber, but maybe killing one of his cats will teach him a lesson."

My eyes widened as the she-cat lunged at me and I barely had time to move when I watched Domino knock her out of the way. I flinched as the two cats collided directly in front of me.

"Are you betraying me now, sister?" Aster growled at Domino.

I looked shocked; sister? This family's problems ran deeper than just Aster and her sons.

"No, you know I would never do that; but you aren't thinking clearly. This isn't what he would want. He wouldn't want you seeking revenge on what was once his clan, too." Domino said, trying to reason with Aster. "Look at this young cat," she beckoned to me, "what has she done wrong?"

Aster hissed. "You know nothing!"

The brown and black she-cat attacked Domino again. I couldn't see exactly who was winning but I knew I saw blood and there was no mistaking the scent of it.

"You know nothing about him! Did you ever travel with him? Did he ever come to you whenever you needed help? Did you ever once smile because he made you feel like everything was going to be okay? Like you could do anything when you were with him?" Aster pinned Domino down. "You never once cared about him!"

Domino winced. "But I did care about you, dear sister. I promised mother I would make sure you were always protected, no matter what. That's why I tried to lead you away from him. I knew he was a-"

"Don't you dare speak about him as if you knew him." Aster slashed her claws across Domino's face.

Cliff darted over to the two she-cats. "Mom, what is are you two talking about? I thought we were just here to kill that sickening clan cat? What happened to proving we were better than them?" He asked.

"Tell him, Aster." Domino urged. "Tell him the truth."

Aster's eyes widened and she stepped off of her sister. "Cliff . . . I'm sorry, but . . . your father and I . . . we used to be clan cats . . ." The black and brown she-cat said, looking as if she would rather not be having this conversation.

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