Chapter Eleven

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I narrowed my eyes and took a step back. The scent of fox was almost suffocating, I wrinkled my nose. I lashed my tail in frustration.

"Can't catch a break, can we?" I whispered.

Flick stepped forward so that he was in front of me.

"Go wake Bella so we can leave." The sandy tom said quietly.

I shook my head. "There is no way I'm leaving you to fight those foxes on your own." I said.

Flick looked at me. "Lavenderpaw, just go. We might not even have to fight, just hurry."

I hesitated, but nodded and darted back into the den. It took a heartbeat or two for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. When I located Bella, I nudged the cream and white cat.

"Bella, we have to go, quickly!" I hissed.

Bella moaned and raised her head slowly. "I was just starting to drift off . . ." She ended with a yawn.

"We don't have time for this, foxes are near!" I made sure to keep my voice low.

Bella's eyes widened in horror. "Foxes?" She raised her voice in alarm.

At the former kittypet's call, I heard growling and hissing from outside. The smell of blood wafted into the den; the fox, or foxes, must have attacked Flick!

"Yes, and we have to go, come on!" I said, no longer even bothering with trying to be quiet. I nudged Bella to her paws hurriedly.

Bella nodded and stood up, rushing towards the mouth of the den. I followed her, but we both stopped when the light from the entrance vanished. My eyes narrowed when I saw a long narrow muzzle curled up, long, sharp teeth being shown. Bella was frozen in the fox's path in horror.

"Bella, get back!" I called to her, but the cream and white she-cat didn't move.

The fox swung a paw with unsheathed claws at Bella and the former kittypet was knocked into the wall of the den. I could see Bella trembling as she struggled to get to her paws.

"Hey, fox-breath!" I called and the fox swung around to look at me.

I rushed at the russet creature, my claws digging into the ground as I ran. I no time at all, I had leaped into the air and slashed my claws across the fox's face.

The fox growled and retaliated surprisingly quickly. It put a paw on me before I could dodge in time and unsheathed its claws. I yelped as I ran to the other side of the den, the fox's claws scraping across my back. I turned and hissed at the creature.

The fox prowled towards me, Bella completely forgotten. My fur stood on end as I backed away. Surprisingly, I backed into a wall. Didn't fox dens usually have back entrances?

I thought I saw a hint of triumph or smugness in the fox's expression when it saw I was trapped. It raised its forepaw, ready to strike.

I immediately rushed forward underneath the fox as soon as it raised its paw. I wasted no time darting over to Bella to help her to her paws. As soon as she was standing, I lead her toward the entrance of the den.

"No . . . I should be, helping you . . ." Bella said, shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes. "Bella, we just need to run. You haven't had any battle training, have you? I have at least had some. Let's just get out of here before-"

I broke off with a help when I felt the fox's teeth clamp hard around my tail. Bella stopped in the mouth of the den, staring at me in terror.

"Go! Get out of here!" I exclaimed before I was dragged back and knocked into the wall of the den.

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