Chapter Nine

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We've been traveling for a half a moon, and we're just now reaching the mountains.

I looked up at the huge mounds of earth in wonder and amazement.

"They were farther away than I thought, they looked close enough to reach in just a few days." I said.

Flick nodded. "It can be hard to judge how far away they are, especially if you aren't used to travelling."

Flick has been travelling with us since the dog attack. He said we needed someone who knew how to fight to protect us. I couldn't argue with that, seeing as I could've died from the dog attack. Why couldn't I have at least gotten more training in before the stupid twoleg stole me?

Bella smiled up at the mountains. "They're so beautiful." She meowed in wonder.

"How long are they? They're definitely bigger than a forest. They actually look bigger than all four clan territories put together!" I asked Flick.

"Well, at the very least it'll take about a moon to travel through. That's not counting any predators or other cats who might attack us. So it'll most likely take a few moons." Flick answered.

I sighed, but nodded. "Then we'd better get going. My clan must be worried sick about me." I said before padding ahead.

"Wait," Flick said and I stopped to turn to him. "We need to be careful. There are steep edges and slippery paths in the mountains. Just watch your step."

I nodded. "You should lead then, Flick. You seem to have the most experience with these mountains."

"Yes, and you could warn us of any danger ahead." Bella added.

Flick laughed. "Okay, fine." He agreed and looked around. Once he found a good trail, he started upwards.

We barely spoke as we climbed, it seemed steeper than it had looked. I panted and dug my claws into the ground. My stomach rumbled, but I knew this was not a good place to stop and hunt.

I glanced at Bella and then Flick. I knew I could trust Bella, but what about Flick? Yes, he had saved me from dying; but we knew nothing about him at all. I sighed and shook my head. I would just have to hope for the best.


I narrowed my eyes through the muggy forest. I heard someone approaching and my fur stood on end.

"Who's there?" I hissed, looking around.

I watched as a ginger tom emerged. He had half a tail and scars covering. A cruel grin was on his face.

"You." I growled, stepping back. What did this cat want with me? "Who are you? What do you want?"

The tom just laughed, walking slowly towards me. "You'll find out soon enough who I am. As for what I want . . ."

I heard laughing and the tom disappeared. I whirled around, searching for him; but I couldn't spot the ginger tom again. The forest swirled around me and suddenly, my face was drenched with water.

I jumped to my feet in surprise and looked around. Bella was grooming herself a few tail-lengths away from me. I realized we were in a hollowed out tree and looked up to see I was right under the gap. I backed away from it and shook out my wet fur.

It still seemed to be raining from the night before. Not as bad, of course, but still raining. The wind was stronger, though. I shuddered as a guest of wind blew through the hollow tree.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked.

I looked over to see the former kittypet looking me over. I remembered the dream and looked away.

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