Chapter Eight

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I sighed, laying in the medicine den. I needed to get out so I could figure out what was going on. I watched as Berrycloud sorted through her herbs.

"Can I please leave now?" I asked.

"Does your paw still hurt?"

I shook my head. "No, it doesn't." My paw hadn't hurt since the swelling mysteriously faded.

Berrycloud nodded. "Very well then, you can leave. Just be more careful from now on."

I stretched. "I will." I told her before padding out of the den.

Looking around, the camp felt strange. It felt as though I didn't belong there. I looked up to see Lionstar climb into highrock. He observed the camp with a careful eye, and I felt weary when his gaze landed on me.

I shuddered and padded into the apprentice's den, hoping to see Pinepaw there. Unfortunately, the den was empty. I sighed and shook my head. Was everyone avoiding me?

I saw Splashpaw walk into camp with a mouthful of prey and my mouth watered.

"Hey Splashpaw!" I called to the apprentice and bounded over. "Have you seen Pinepaw?"

Splashpaw nodded. "He's in the forest, said he was waiting for you." The apprentice said before padding away.

I looked confused and turned to ask what Splashpaw meant but Pinepaw's littermate was gone. I shook my head and exited camp. Why was Pinepaw waiting for me? Wait, how would I even find Pinepaw? The pine forest was huge!

I just began walking, letting my paws lead the way. Something told me to turn back, and return to camp. I didn't listen, though, I had to find Pinepaw.

Eventually, I stumbled into the training clearing to see Pinepaw's reddish brown figure facing away from me. He turned to smile at me.

"Lavenderpaw! Are you all healed?" He asked.

I slowly walked towards him. His smile seemed off, and I got a weird give from the tom.

"Yeah . . . ?" I answered.

Pinepaw tilted his head. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I sat down and stared at the ground. "It's just . . . well, I don't know . . . today has just been a weird day."

Pinepaw sat down in front of me, closely. "Lavenderpaw, look at me."

I looked up to gaze into his pine green eyes.

"Lavenderpaw, you don't have to worry anymore. You're safe in Shadeclan, and you have everyone who cares about you . . . including me. That twoleg isn't coming back, and all you have to worry about is becoming a warrior." Pinepaw said, trying to comfort me.

I looked away. "Pinepaw, I . . ."

"Hey." Pinepaw said and got to his paws. "What about we get some battle training in? That way you'll feel better in no time."

I looked back at him and nodded with a smile. Maybe this would be better than just filling my head up with nonsense. I got to my paws.

"Okay, who's starting?" I asked right as Pinepaw lunged at me.

My eyes widened and I was barely able to roll out of the way. Once I was out of the way, I pounced onto Pinepaw's back and barred at his face. Something hit me, like this had happened before. It sent a shock through me and Pinepaw was able to throw me off. I narrowed my eyes and was about to retaliate when the apprentice lunged on top of me.

I was on my back and he was able to pin me down. For a heartbeat I thought I saw a hint of darkness in his eyes but it was replaced with passion. I stared into his eyes in surprise and smiled.

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