Chapter Fourteen

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I raised my head as I was escorted through the alley. Everything was in place, now I just had to make sure the plan went exactly as planned.


I nodded, "That's what he said." I told Bella and Winter.

Bella shook her head. "Are you sure you can trust this other cat? We don't even know them or who they are."

I sighed. "Right now, this is our only chance of getting out of here. Unless you or Winter have a different plan, I don't see any other option."

Winter nodded. "If anything goes wrong, I'll stop them. I still have a few good fights in me."

I shook my head. "Winter, you're coming with us."

"I'm sorry Lavenderpaw, but my place is here." Winter replied.

"Really? You want to stay here, where your only meal is every two or three days? Where you are forced to watch cats die?" I asked him.

The white cat just looked down. "I don't want to be of any trouble. This plan is risky enough without me joining you."

"Winter, I promise you won't be any trouble at all. In fact, you could probably help us." I said to him.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll stay behind to help."

The three of us turned to face the the skinny she-cat. She had once been a beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat but now looked mostly to be just skin and bones. Her blue eyes shined brightly, though.

I stepped forward. "I'm sorry Birch died, I don't want you risking your life for us." I told her.

"My name's Maple. I gave birth to mine and Birch's kits in here, but Aster made them fight the older kits to the death as soon as they could walk. If I die helping you guys, then I'll be reunited with my mate and kits in spirit but I'll also die saving someone. I don't want to just die in another battle Aster would force me into." The tortoiseshell she-cat said.

I hesitated, but nodded. If risking her life and dying to save them was what would make Maple happy, then who were they to argue with that? I turned back to Winter.

"Please come with us, we could really use your help." I asked Winter.

Winter sighed and agreed, but looked unconvinced.

"It's settled then. After my meeting with Aster, I'll be brought back here and then we can all escape." I said.

Bella nodded. "Let's just hope this works."


Now I just had to make sure the meeting with Aster went smoothly. What could she possibly want from me? Did she want to talk to me, or fight me?

I entered a secluded area in the alley, the entrance surrounded by those silver stumps. The cat who escorted me in announced our arrival before they entered, just as the senior warriors sometimes did and the deputy before entering the leader's den back in Shadeclan.

Once we entered, the cat escorting me backed out of the den. I turned to watch him leave when I heard a voice.


I turned back around to see where it was coming from. When I couldn't spot anyone, I padded forward. Soon enough, I saw a familiar figure near the back end of the secluded alley.

I dipped my head and sat down. "Aster."

Aster smiled. "I hear you're a clan cat?" She stood up and started slowly towards me.

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