Chapter Thirteen

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I paced the twoleg den anxiously. We had only been in here for three days and yet it's felt like a moon. I needed to see the sky, breathe in the fresh air; not be trapped in some old twoleg den.

"What if we all took on the guards? Couldn't we just fight them off?" I asked.

Winter shook his head. "Someone tried that once. Everyone who went with him were killed. Yes, there are guards right outside the prisoner's den; but there are even more surrounding it, hiding in the shadows."

My stomach growled and I gazed out the front broken window. I frowned because I couldn't see the sky from here. In the pine forest I couldn't see the sky as well as say Cloudclan or Breezeclan but at least I felt comfort under the cover of the pines. Here, I just felt trapped; which I was.

When food finally came on the third day, I frowned in disappointment. It would have been better just to starve. The food they brought us was barely enough for one cat, let alone six. Also, I thought I saw a bug or two in it. I decided I wasn't hungry and to let the other cats eat it. They fought over it, anyway.

I couldn't stop thinking of what Flick had said, his betrayal. Everytime I thought of that, tears formed in my eyes. It seemed like the only cat I could trust out here was a kittypet. Who knew the outside world could be so rough?

I never did learn the names of the three other skinny cats, but one of them just died from starvation. The two others barely mourned for her, they just ate the remains of her carcass. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and turned away. Winter joined them, but didn't eat much. Bella was just as picky as I was, maybe even pickier. She ignored any food that was brought in from outside.

The days seemed to be passing by slower and slower. I thought it had been five days, but I could be wrong; I most likely was. I slept mostly during the day and stayed up at night, wishing I could see the stars. Although thinking of the stars brought Flick to my mind again and I had to struggle not to break into a sob.

After what felt like moons of waiting, more guards than usual walked in. I looked up in interest as they escorted one of the unfamiliar skinny cats out of the twoleg den. Then more came in and escorted the rest of us out. I stayed close to Bella as they forced us out.

I thought it would be great to be outside again but it was just as bad as being trapped in that den. I felt the stares of just about everyone out today. I wanted to just run and run until I reached Shadeclan but all these stares made me uncomfortable.

We went in a different direction than where we came in, I think. It was unfamiliar to me, at least. The guards lead us one way and then the next, probably trying to confuse us. Soon though, we reached a small clearing.

The clearing was surrounded by cats. I looked around and could see Aster sitting a little higher up in the back; I thought she was sitting on a pile of rocks. Beside her, was a black tom with yellowish eyes; Cliff. Then on her other side, was a sandy tom with amber eyes. He met my gaze and I narrowed my eyes, looking away. I couldn't bear to even look at him right now.

I watched as the skinny prisoner was brought to the clearing. Another cat, a tortoiseshell she-cat, stepped forward. At Aster's call, the tortoiseshell leaped at the skinny cat. The prisoner never had a chance against her. Soon, I had to look away so I couldn't see the tortoiseshell ripping the flesh away from the skinny prisoner.

"Birch, no!" I heard a voice cry out.

I turned my head to watch as guards held back a struggling skinny she-cat. She appeared to have tears in her eyes as she reached for the dead cat. Had Birch been her mate? My eyes saddened and I looked back at Aster, giving her a glare. I refused to turn my gaze the slightest to meet the eyes of a sandy tom.

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