Chapter Three

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I awoke to the light of the sun shining on my face. I stretched an opened my eyes to find the den empty. My eyes widened in surprised and I jumped to my paws. Where were the other apprentices? Well, there was one apprentice in the den. It was Splashpaw, but I didn't want to wake the apprentice. Instead I padded out of the den to find Cloverpaw walking into camp with a mouth full of freshkill.

"Cloverpaw!" I called and bounded over to my sister. "Why didn't you wake me? I could get behind on my training and then I won't become a warrior until after you and Brindlepaw!"

"Woah woah woah, slow down. It's only sunhigh."

"Yes but I should have been up earlier. Where's Skybranch? Weren't we supposed to train again today?" I started to panic.

Cloverpaw rolled her eyes and rested her tail on me. "It's okay. Pinepaw knew you were up late last night on the dusk patrol. He talked to Skybranch and they made sure no one woke you up. You can't be awake all the time, you know."

I blinked in surprise. "Pinepaw made sure I wasn't woken up?"

Cloverpaw nodded. "I told you, he really does care about you."

I shook my head. "It's too early for it to mean anything. I've only been an apprentice for a half moon! Besides, he's probably going to become a warrior in the next moon or so. Then we'll be apart again."

Cloverpaw looked at me. "Whatever you say, Lavenderpaw."

I stood up. "Well, I'd better go find Skybranch. Do you know where she is?"

Cloverpaw shook her head. "But I don't really have anything to do for the rest of the day besides a hunting patrol at sunset. I could help you look."

I nodded. "Thanks."

We padded out of camp but I ended up stumbling into someone. I looked in surprise to see two familiar green eyes. I stepped back and my fur heated up.

"Oh, hey, you're awake." Pinepaw said and stepped back as well.

"Do you know where Skybranch is? We were looking for her." Cloverpaw stepped in to save her sister from the embarrassment.

Pinepaw nodded. "I was just training with her and Shadowpounce. Shadowpounce sent me back to camp while she hunted. I think Heronstream is with Skybranch back in the training grounds. Come on, we can go there together."

Lavenderpaw nodded and padded after the older apprentice. Cloverpaw was right beside her.

"So, Cloverpaw tells me you made sure no one woke me up." I said casually.

Pinepaw's pace faltered a bit. "Uh, yeah . . . I knew you would be tired after the patrol last night and I didn't want you falling asleep during training or anything . . ."

I nodded. "Thanks, I really appreciated it." I said with a smile.

Pinepaw sighed and slowed some to pad beside me. "You're welcome." He said and tried to meet my eyes.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. Something unfamiliar stirred inside me. Maybe it was just the thrill of the moment or the fact that I was with the two cats I trusted the most. I couldn't be falling in love, not for Pinepaw. We lived and slept together even as kits. So what is so different now?

I heard something and broke our gaze to look ahead. I could see the sun shining through part of the training grounds and smiled when I saw familiar silver fur. I slowed to a stop and heard Pinepaw and Cloverpaw do the same.

Skybranch leaped over the brown and white tabby tom. Heronstream used his paws to knock the she-cat out of the air. Skybranch was knocked to the ground but leaped up anyway. She timed the move wrong though, and landed short. Heronstream barreled into the silver she-cat and the tussle ended with the tom standing over my mentor. Skybranch laughed and said something at which Heronstream nuzzled her cheek.

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