Chapter Sixteen

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My eyes snapped open and I looked around in surprise and confusion. Wait, where was I? I looked to be curled up against a tree. Bella had been the one to wake me.

"I thought you would never wake up." The cream and white she-cat said.

I shook my head. "What, happened?" I questioned.

Bella sighed. "Don't you remember the fight with Aster and her cats while we tried to escape?" She asked. "You were wounded bad by Cliff along with the wounds already inflicted by the foxes. You passed out and Flick and I brought you here."

I jumped to my paws as the remnants of what I remembered came back to me. "Wait, my eyes . . . Aster's past . . ."

Bella tilted her head. "I don't know what you mean about your eyes but yeah, everything Aster said about her past is true."

I looked at Bella. "You mean me eyes didn't glow?"

Bella shook her head. "No, you must have had a weird dream or something. Your eyes were never glowing."

I nodded and sat down. Then, a thought came to mind and I looked around. "Hold on, where's Winter?" I asked.

Bella's eyes saddened. "Lavenderpaw . . . he died in the fight . . . trying to make sure you got out alive . . ." She said.

My eyes widened. "No . . . I promised I would get him out . . ."

"You can't save everyone, you could barely save yourself." Bella said and rested her tail on me. "He stopped Cliff from nearly killing you."

My eyes watered and I hung my head. I had so many questions on top of this grief. Why had my dream felt so real? Why were my memories mixing with my dreams? What did my glowing eyes in the dream have to do anything? How was I still alive?

Good question.

I flinched at the familiar voice. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, clearing the scarred orange tom from my mind.

"Flick went into the forest to hunt. I think he wants to be alone." Bella said.

Flick; how could she have forgotten about the sandy tom? I flicked my tail; I had a few things I needed to say to him. I started into the forest, limping as I began walking. I winced as pain shot up my legs and thought my body but I didn't stop. I had rested long enough, anyway.

"I don't think you should go after him. He seemed pretty distant after we escaped." Bella called to me.

"I don't care, I'm going to find him." I responded and made my way farther into the forest, following Flick's scent.

It didn't take long for me to find him. I watched as he stalked a squirrel and killed it. Once I was sure I wouldn't interrupt his hunt, I stepped out of the undergrowth.


Flick whirled around in surprise. "Lavenderpaw, you're awake!"

I nodded. "I am; and I remember everything Aster said."

Flick sighed and sat down. "Lavenderpaw, I am nothing like her or Cliff. I have never hated the clans, that's why I left them."

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