Chapter Ten

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I shook my head as Pinepaw approached me. Some sort of evilness had come over him and he prowled towards me.

"Pinepaw, this isn't you!" I called, trying to snap him out of it.

"You're right Lavenderpaw, it isn't." The apprentice said.

I watched in horror as Pinepaw's reddish brown fur melted away to reveal lighter, orange tabby fur. More scars appeared on the cat and I froze when I saw two leaf green eyes glaring at me.

"N-no . . . please . . ." I whispered and slowly backed away.

"You can never escape me, Lavenderpaw. No matter what, I will always find you." The orange tabby said with a cruel grin.

"No . . . I-I will find a way . . ." I said, trying to convince myself not to be afraid.

The scarred tom laughed. "Yeah? What's a weak apprentice like you going to do? You're what, six, seven moons? You're no match against an experienced warrior, let alone one like me. Besides, there's no one who can help you . . ."

The tom laughed again and began to fade. My eyes widened and I ran at him, only to stumble through mist. My eyes darted around, trying to find the ginger tom.

I jolted up with a start, breathing heavily. I looked around warily until I realized I was awake. Bella and Flick were sleeping soundly between the cluster of bushes. We had stopped to sleep at sunset so we could get an earlier start. I just didn't think I would awake this early.

I slowly and carefully made my way out of the cluster of bushes. Once I was out, I just started walking. I didn't know where I was going, but I just knew I had to clear my head.

I hadn't been walking far when I reached a small opening in the trees. I stopped there and looked up to gaze at the stars. I sighed and sat down.

Why did I have to get kidnapped by that stupid twoleg? Why couldn't I have fought it off? Why did Starclan allow me to be taken from my clan?

I felt a tear slowly roll down my face. After that one, they came quicker until I was crying silently. I felt like I couldn't control anything in my life. I felt so alone, too; like I could just disappear and no one would care. Bella was just trying to protect me on my journey because she thought it would be too dangerous for me. Flick . . . well, I didn't know anything about Flick. Shadeclan . . . had they forgotten about me? It's been nearly a moon since I was taken by that twoleg. Did they think I was dead?

I bent my head, my tears soaking into the grass. Then, I heard pawsteps. I wiped away my tears with my tail and turned around to face Flick.

"Oh . . . hey, Flick." I said and turned around to examine the stars. I could never cry in peace, could I?

The sandy tom nodded and came over to sit beside me. He looked up at the stars as well and we sat in silence for a few moments. I was actually glad that I was able to just sit in silence with someone.

"Rough night?" Flick asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

I nodded. "Nightmare." I answered.

Flick looked at me and seemed to be thinking about something. I kept my eyes on the stars, ignoring his gaze.

"What about you?" I asked him, not drawing my eyes from the stars.

"I'm just used to rising before the sun is up." The sandy tom answered, still looking me over.

I nodded and gazed at the stars, not knowing what to say to that. Was Starclan still able to see me? Were they still watching over me?

We sat there until the sky began to lighten. This actually felt kind of peaceful; sitting here with someone, not even feeling the need to make conversation. Just a peaceful silence, but I wasn't alone. I sighed when I realized the stars were already winking away.

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