Chapter Five

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I yawned as I awoke. I was warm, for some reason. I looked up to see Bella laying somewhat curled around me and I smiled. It would be nice to have a friend who knew her way around the twolegplace.

Bella stirred when I awoke. She blinked open her eyes and yawned. "Good morning." She greeted cheerfully.

"Morning." I said and stood up, stretching. "So, what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Well, does your paw feel better?"

I walked around a bit, using my paw as much as I could and nodded. "I don't feel a thing."

Bella grinned. "Great, then this will work perfectly."

"How's the plan gonna go?" I asked.

"So when the twoleg comes in, you'll walk up to him and show him your paw is better. Then he'll take the bandage off and I'll bring you to the cat flap." Bella said.

"There was a cat flap this whole time and you didn't tell me?" I asked.

"Well, your paw wasn't fully healed yet. You should've seen how it looked, all puffy and swollen. No wonder the twoleg wanted to heal it." Bella responded.

I was about to respond when I heard somewhat familiar thumps. The twoleg opened the entrance to the den and walked in. I took a deep breath and jumped down from the ledge. I walked around the twoleg, meowing.

The twoleg seemed pleased and lifted me up. I tried not to squirm as it unwrapped the "bandage" from my paw. After examining my paw, he set me down. I forced myself to purr and the twoleg smiled.

Bella meowed and wound around the twoleg's legs. It nodded and opened the den for her. I immediately raced through, wanting to be out as soon as possible. Bella was right behind me and I let her lead me to the cat flap.

Once I was outside, I cried with joy. "I'm back outside!" Then I stopped and looked around. "It would be better though, if I weren't in this twolegplace."

"Shadeclan doesn't live in a twolegplace?" Bella asked.

I shook my head. "We live in a pine forest. Do you know of any around here?"

Bella shook her head. "But I know who might. Come on, follow me!" She said before scampering away between the twoleg dens.

I dashed after her, trying to keep up. How could a cat move so fast in a place with so many obstacles? There were fences and chains and twoleg dens and even a dog, though it was locked up.

I was panting hard when we slowed and I couldn't keep track of how we got here. There were too many twists and turns.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

We appeared to be in a darkened "alley" is what Bella called it. It seemed completely void of life.

"There's a small group of cats that live here, and I know their leader. He knows the twolegplace in and out, including the area surrounding it. If your clan is nearby, he will know." Bella said. "Just be careful. His cats aren't the nicest to outsiders."

I nodded and cautiously crept behind Bella, into the alley. I smelled a strong scent of cat, but didn't see anyone. Where were they? Didn't they have any guards or patrols to protect them?

We came to a silver-crossed fence and came to a halt. I narrowed my eyes to see two cats standing guard. It was too dark to see what they looked like, though.

"State your business here." The one on the left said.

"We're here to see Razor." Bella said calmly.

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