Apprentice Candidate

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Narrator POV

At the Kasanoda Syndicate's main house and family residence. Ritsu a student of Class 1-D at Ouran walks past a group of tough-looking men who bid him have a good day at work several times before he turns with a terrifying visage to roar that he's going to school.

Tetsuya a younger clan member asks if he'll be taking the car but Ritsu declines.

As he walks away the crew advises Tetsuya to be more careful in how he addresses the "young lord" because his glare seemed more viscious than usual an indication in their minds that he's ticked off at some stupid kid at school.

In fact Ritsu is preoccupied with another student Takashi Morinozuka.


We were cosplaying in late Edo era samurai costumes. Haruhi expresses her surprise that it's so popular with the twins informing her that it's a cosplay basic and Honey adding that the girls who love it are simply crazy about it.

Renge Houshakuji unravels a mini-history lesson about the Ikedaya Inn and the noble shinsegumi thrilling herself with her narrative.

Kyoya Ootori compliments Renge on her suggestion that the guests be allowed to project identities onto the hosts instead of giving them specific roles their friendly exchange indicative of a normalized relationship.

"Surprised you actually complimented some one cousin" I said to him. "I compliment people just not you" he said with his no care in the world attitude.

"God why do I try with this bug" I asked myself.

Narrator POV

Mori sits with his clients discussing who he favors when the Host suddenly leaps up and lunges his sword through the shoji door.

Tamaki thinks he's angry because he's finally lost patience with his lacklustre script but Mori declares no they have an intruder.

Ritsu is seen rushing towards Mori with an angry face only to fall to the ground in humility begging for Mori to take him on as an apprentice.


I was shocked that someone wanted to appreciate mori. Kyoya rattles off pertinent information regarding the 1st-year calling him a human weapon which Ritsu denies.

Tamaki asks why he wants to be Mori's apprentice and the twins begin to call him Casanova and Bossa Nova instead of Kasanoda causing the ritsu to grimace menacingly.

When the twins point out his scary face he grows despondent saying it's been this way since he was a child.

Narrator POV

Flashbacks show Ritsu as a toddler, then as a young boy each with a fearful face learning how to be a gangster from his father.

Now he wants friends and doesn't know how to breach the social gap between himself and others.

He hopes that Mori who in his words has a face like a "watchdog from Hell" but who has many friends and admirers will be able to teach him his "secret."

Tamaki refuses to involve himself in Mori's issue until the tall Host's eyes plead for it then Tamaki gleefully leaps into action.

The first thing he tells Ritsu is that he must obtain a "lovely item" like Honey, who softens Mori's harsh image simply by being near him.


We all agreed that without Honey Mori is just a big "bzzzt!" an idea that shocks the tall Host who then vehemently denies this to be the case while Honey sadly asks if he's being used as a prop.

Tamaki sets the twins to work on Ritsu's "Yankee fashion sense" which they alter to make him appear totally ridiculous without intention.

Narrator pov

At home everyone pretends not to notice his red dreadlocks polka dot scarf and Kuma-chan.

The following day Ritsu approaches Mori and Honey offering to carry Mori's schoolbag.

As he moves towards them Mori pushes him back just in time to avoid being hit by a falling potted plant and then another.

In the salon Ritsu states that he believes someone is after Mori. Tamaki considers this for a few seconds then moves on to his "Turn Bossa Nova Into an Angel" Project.

While the Hosts discuss make-over plans (y/n) serves Ritsu a cup of tea and sits with him.

Ritsu finds "him" strangely compelling and very much like a "chick." Tamaki is heard saying that Renge's inside scoop on "lovely items" is kitty ears and the twins suggest they go all the way.

Tetsuya arrives and sees his young lord dressed as a "kitty cat maid" but tells him he can do as he likes in his spare time.

Ritsu utterly embarrassed runs away. Ritsu hiding in the garden maze feeding an injured bird he's nursed back to health. (Y/n) finds him and they converse easily something Ritsu finds he can never do with a girl except (y/n) is a "guy" which totally confuses him.

Just then a can of red paint comes flying at them but is intercepted by Honey so only a bit of paint splashes (y/n)'s blazer.

The Hosts join them just in time to see Mori apprehending two rough looking students

Who accuse Ritsu of kidnapping Boss Sendo's son. While Hikaru and Kaoru enjoy tying up the ruffians Honey and Mori admit that they knew it was Ritsu being targeted but kept quiet about it until they could capture the culprits.

Ritsu inquires why they would help him and Mori pats his head saying "We can tell who the bad guys are by looking at them" a statement which Ritsu finds touching especially from someone he admires.

Tetsuya arrives and berates the teenaged goons revealing to Ritsu that he is the son of the head of the Sendo Syndicate but left home because of their cut throat tactics.

Flashback to Tetsuya on the street sitting alone in the rain when Ritsu extends both an umbrella and a hand in friendship earning Tesuya's loyalty and devotion.

Ritsu asks Tetsuya to wait for him as he heads back to Music Room #3 to apologize to (y/n) for ruining the blazer.

Upon finding the salon empty he enters the prep room without warning and there's (y/n) in the midst of changing. They made eyes contact and (y/n) pushed him out and said "can't you see I'm changing".

Realizing that "he" is a "she" Ritsu reacts in the only way possible for a mobster's son to react under such pressure sheer and absolute terror.


I feel like my narrator voice his kinda like the one in fairytale

Word count: 1097
Date this was made: July 12

-the narrator

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