Kyoya got bitch slapped

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The campus is bustling with workers being directed by students as the annual Ouran Fair commences.

Me, Haruhi and Kyoya stood together with Haruhi asking about the major construction and elaborate plans being executed.

Kyoya explains that at Ouran the focus is on demonstrating one's readiness for a life of power and wealth not arts and crafts.

Hikaru and Mori pull up in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage bearing Honey and Tamaki who invites them to rehearse for the Ouran Fair parade.

As we all are riding together Haruhi is dour as the clock tower bell signals Opening Day of the annual event. Tamaki says to her "Let's make this fair the best one yet" his enthusiasm being contagious and drawing from her a smile.

Narrator POV

At the Central Salon where the Host Club is open to the general public. The Hosts are seen being charming serving refreshments and displaying their various skills.

A Host Club regular gushes to her mother about the wonderful club but the woman is skeptical of its intent.

Tamaki appears to woo the lady's heart and in short order she's as fanatical as her daughter about the Club's merit.

Honey and Mori are sweet Hikaru and Kaoru are heart rending and Kyoya demonstrates his savvy as the club's director.

Haruhi comments that their set up is extravagant even for them. And (y/n) said "rich people are every extra" but Tamaki says "happiness is above any price tag."

Kyoya disagrees and says they have indeed overshot the budget much to Tamaki's chagrin.

Someone is watching through purple colored lenses. That someone is an an elegant young woman who is approached by (y/n) who thinks she is a boy.

Yuzuru Suoh enters the salon and Tamaki greets him as "Father" which the dapper man says is too formal a term and insists that his son call him "Chairman."

As the blond spies on his father from an overhanging chandelier Yuzuru compliments Kyoya's management skills though Kyoya insists that it's Tamaki's vision that keeps the club alive.

Haruhi's presence is requested and as the two sit together Tamaki falls to the floor but remains vigilant to their conversation.

Chairman Suoh is taken with the honor student giving "him" a rose and asking to be called "Uncle" a familiarity that rocks Tamaki's world as Haruhi ponders the similar natures of father and son.

Just then a resounding smack is heard and everyone sees Yoshio Ootori slapping Kyoya knocking off his glasses and saying he's an embarrassment to his family.


I was standing with kyoya talking to his father when he slapped kyoya knocking his glasses off then looking at me and saying "and would you father agree with this? You cross dresser" he said to me. All I could do is stand there in shock.

Narrator POV

As the man approaches Yuzuru the Suoh elder gently reprimands his action considering how exceptional a son Kyoya truly is.

Yoshio remains stone faced and Yuzuru goes on to say that he's aware of the man's troubles but hopes he isn't taking his frustration out on Kyoya.

Tamaki is especially worried for his friends and Haruhi asks if the senior Ootori is angry about Kyoya's and (y/n)'s involvement in the Host Club.

Kyoya dismisses them both tossing off that he expected such a reaction.

As Tamaki considers the implications of what has just occurred Yuzuru reminds his son that actions have consequences and as the blond is seen gazing at Haruhi Yuzuru tells Tamaki that he needs to consider his future in a realistic manner.

The salon doors open and an elderly woman in a kimono enters it's Shizue Suoh, Tamaki's grandmother.

Haruhi thinks it's sweet until Honey says "I hate that woman."

The Suoh matriarch passes by her grandson and coldly calls him "filthy child" before requesting Lady Éclair who turns out to be the young woman with the opera glasses.

Tamaki is ordered to be Éclair's escort for the remainder of the fair and they leave everyone behind.

Kyoya and (y/n) had left the party. While Haruhi was trying to find (y/n) to see if she was ok.

Time skip

As the twins speculate on the stranger Renge steps in and informs them that Éclair Tonnerre is the youngest daughter of the powerhouse Tonnerre family whose Grand Tonnerre Group is buying up Japanese businesses en masse.


I sat in one of the empty classrooms by myself thinking on what my uncle called me.

"You cross dresser" he said played over and over in my head. "I'm not a cross dresser am I" "why would he slap his own kid just because he did something you don't like".

"What type of parent is that" I was thinking to myself until I heard my name being called out by someone.

I looked at the door frame and it was Haruhi. "Oh hey" I said to her "are you ok?" She asked me "yea I'm fine I don't know about kyoya though" I said again.

"What happened" she asked "kyoya was telling his dad about how he was growing and managing the club until he just straight up slapped him then said all that" I explained to her.

"Am I a cross dresser?" I asked my girlfriend. "No you're not, just because you like wearing different things doesn't make you one" she told me.

We went back out and the twins told us that that purple eyed girl tried to take tamaki back Paris and that kyoya came back to prove that he can prove his dad wrong.

"Apparently we all had a crappy experience" I said plopping on the couch next to the twins.

All of the host club sat around the table to talk about are crappy experience today and we deemed kyoya's was the worst because he got slapped.


This was extra short Bc I'm lazzzzzzzzzyyyyy

Word count: 1005
Date this was made: July 17

-chicken tenders

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