Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

History class was dragging slowly for Henry. He was sitting at his desk, his attention fading away from the teacher's lesson. He rested his head on the palm of his hand, leaning on the surface of his desk as he tapped his pencil. Henry thought for a second and started drawing on his paper. He began to yawn focusing on the instructor again. He couldn't give his full attention. Henry slowly started to sleep, as the instructor yelled at him across the room. He woke up rubbing his eyes. After class, Henry walked out barely lifting his book bag. His friend caught up to him asking him what his problem was. Henry didn't reply and urged on. When he arrived home from a long day, he threw his body on the couch. He toppled off and stayed on the ground in the most uncomfortable position. Suddenly, he regained his energy and looked out the window by the couch in the living room. There, just outside, was the same girl blinking between lines as the boy stared back. He slowly ducked behind the couch pillow. She went on again glancing back through the window pane. Henry quickly pulled out his journal and began to write so fast, it looked like chicken stratch.

May 14th

There she was again! Forget dozing off in History, the same weird girl was STARING at me through the window! We were probably a yard away at the most. How was I supposed to hide? I don't even know her name! I don't know her, never see her at my school, and she doesn't live in my neighborhood. I think I'm now starting to be stalked. Like someone is just always watching me.

                                                                                                                      -Henry A. Enders

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