Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, Henry went to go walk his German Shepard, Jesus. As he was walking, Josh ran into them. Josh was walking his husky, Shayde. Henry glared at him as Jesus started barking and growling. Shayde whimpered and knelt down. Josh pulled Shayde back looking at Henry to do the same. "Henry, could you calm your dog down?" Josh asked. Henry then took off the leash and stood back. Shayde ran howling as Henry spoke in anger, "Glad I didn't get the wimp. You took my puppy away from me. You knew it was mine, I had it in my hands, but you snatched it away from me. Glad I have my dog now, because yours is a retarded baby." Josh sighed and mumbled, "I'm sorry. I was wondering if you would like to hang out with Mia and I today." Henry's ears perked up and listened. "Yeah, my friend, Mia, she's into you, bro," Josh admitted. Henry quickly said, "I don't have any plans, I guess you guys can hang out." Josh smiled and got Shayde back on his leash. Jesus then bit Shayde on the leg. Henry whistled as Jesus let go of the fur and trotted over. Josh took Shayde to his backyard quickly, and when he returned he said, "Okay. I'll be back in thirty with Mia." Henry sat on the bench unleashing Jesus again. Henry watched him run around barking at everyone and tackling a few children. He laughed and got the stink eye stares from tons of people. Henry called back Jesus before he could run again. Henry chased him and tried to tackle him (the dog and Henry were about the same size). As he pinned him down, Mia was there about to be attacked by Jesus. Josh came up looking at Henry ontop of his dog and Mia staring at Henry. "Should we come later? It seems you and your dog are hitting it on. Hope you got protection," Josh laughed. Mia stood there confused and then laughed after she got the joke. Henry quickly got up and dusted himself off and leashed Jesus.

Mia, Josh, and Henry climbed up the hills at the back of the neighborhood. Mia was racing up the hill. Josh kept falling and squealing like a pig. Henry silently climbed up without saying a word. Mia sat down a flat piece of land and signaled Henry over. He sat down blushing. Later, Josh, Mia, and Henry were all getting buddy-buddy. Henry couldn't stop laughing at Mia. Josh looked over and Henry and then gave a thumbs up to Mia. Right before they all left, Henry spoke, "I'm really happy that we're friends now. My other friends are kind of ignoring me since they all got boyfriends and girlfriends." Mia nodded and smiled. All three walked their seperate ways. Henry walked with Jesus and entered the house. He took out his journal from the book case and wrote.

May 24th

Can't believe it. I got to spend the day with Mia! Jesus was being a little puppy today. He kept barking at all the dogs and biting people. Priceless. I have some new friends that I can get along with. My other friends are gradually going away. I wish they wouldn't. Oh well. I'm not sure if I like Mia the way I used to. But she'll probably get me to like her again, since we'll be hanging out more- I think. Joy oh Joy! All I need is you.

-Henry A. Enders

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