Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Henry woke up early to the annoying noise of an alarm clock. He couldn't stop thinking about the girl. Also, what Tony had told him. Tony secretly liked Michelle. Henry got up and got ready and pulled himself to school. Amanda saw him and signaled him over, "DID YOU KNOW MICHELLE LIKES TONY?" she whispered while also screaming at the same time. Henry jumped up and told her the Tony likes Michelle. When the bell rang, Tony was sitting in front of Henry during History. Henry tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Michelle does like you, Tony. Ask her out ASAP!" Tony had a seizure in his chair and threw his pencil in the air. He calmed down not trying to look suspicous. After class, Tony ran outside to see Amanda and Michelle talking at the lunch benches. Henry joined them at the perfect timing. "Michelle. Go out with me?" Tony asked as soon as he ran up to her. Michelle stared at Amanda and looked back up at Tony. She shrugged and said, "I guess?" Michelle knew she was going crazy inside because her crush liked her back and just asked her out. Henry sat down and whined, "I wish girls would tell me that. I asked out the mystery girl and she ran away from me. Am I just like, weird? Or possibly look gay to turn off girls?" Michelle nodded and sadly admitted, "You're gay. It's alright, we'll find a way." Tony cracked up and started to fall alseep on the table. Amanda pushed his head on the seat of the lunch bench. After school, Amanda walked up to Henry. "Hey! You asked the mystery girl out?" she asked. Henry nodded. "Don't worry, Henry, she just needs to see the real you. How about tomorrow all four of us hangout and show her what fun you really are." Henry smiled and agreed. They all walked their seperate ways. Henry couldn't wait to write down the idea so he stopped in front of the library and sat down on the tables inside.

May 18th

A new plan! I will be the person I really am. I can't wait to try to ask her again. If she says yes, but we can't see each other, I'll just write letters to her everyday I see her to tell her how I really like her. She's mysterious and caring. The fact that she has to see me occasionally shows me that she cares. I don't care if she wants to murder me anymore. I'm in love with this girl. I also have to get Tony something, since he's turning sixteen in a week. Looks like my two friends are dating now. It's weird for me.

-Henry A. Enders

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