Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The following day Henry, Amanda, Tony, and Michelle were all being irresponsible children as Henry was whimpering about the girl. Amanda sat next to Henry and patted him on the back. "It's alright, Henry. This girl is just a girl. You'll be fine without her. Who cares if she doesn't like you?" Henry looked up and screamed in her face, "I CARE! SHUT UP AMANDA YOU DON'T KNOW CRAP!" Henry raced upstairs and sat on his bed looking out the window waiting for the girl. Michelle went over to Amanda and said, "He's just on his period. It's alright, I understand you like this boy, but you keep being friendzoned-he's just on his period." Tony ran upstairs chasing Henry. "Henry! What was that about, dude? You on your period like Michelle said?" Henry looked up at him and scolded him to go home. All three people walked out of the house. Amanda was crying leaning on Michelle. Michelle asked Tony why Henry was so upset. "I don't know, baby. He's going through some emotional stuff. Why is Amanda crying?" he whispered. Michelle whispered back, "She likes Henry, but he now likes this girl." Tony gasped like a dumb blonde finding out her boyfriend was dating some other girl. Amanda sniffled and softly cried, "He told me to shut up when I was trying to help him!" Michelle and Tony were comforting Amanda while Henry sat writing notes to the mystery girl. The girl appaeared reading the window and then saw the notes: I love you. I really want to go out with you. Please? The girl kept reading and reading. Henry couldn't tell if she was about to say 'Awe' or 'Ewe'. He then realized who it was. It was you. The reader. He gasped and pinned himself against the window screaming at you, "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I LOVE YOU!" The girl kept walking as she was reading. Henry sighed and took out his journal.

May 19th

I saw the girl again and I know her! It was you all along. I love you so much, it hurts. I yelled at Amanda and Tony, I can't find a way to forgive myself. I really need to apologize. There's a lot going on now, joy. I can't wait to see if this girl likes me.

-Henry A. Enders

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