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"You idiot!" Jinsoul shouted. "You stupid lesbian!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"She's into you!" Jinsoul groaned. "Haseul, she asked you out,"

"She asked both of us out?" Haseul's brow furrowed in confusion.

"No, she asked you out and then took your silence as a rejection," Jinsoul hit her shoulder. "I swear Haseul, I don't know what you would do if I wasn't here,"

"Me neither," Haseul mumbled. "So you'll go?"

"No!" Jinsoul pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm trying to help you score Haseul, why are you making this so hard?"

"Because I don't want to score!" Haseul insisted. "I just want to be her friend,"

"Haseul, I love you with all my heart, but you're a terrible, terrible liar," Jinsoul shook her head.

"You heard what she said," Haseul grumbled. "She doesn't want friends who are trying to get in her pants. So I'm not throwing myself at her and you aren't going to throw me at her either,"

Jinsoul narrowed her eyes. "Fine. I'll go to a stupid dinner,"

"Thank youuuu," Haseul hugged her. "You're the best,"

"I know I am," Jinsoul agreed.

When they arrived to dinner, Haseul determined that Sooyoung couldn't have possibly meant this as a date. She took them to a Korean barbecue place, and one of Sooyoung's friends Heejin tagged along that Haseul recognized from the basketball team.

Jinsoul and Heejin excitedly talked amongst themselves, while Sooyoung was grilling the meet and Haseul fiddled with the plastic label on her beer. Since the three girls all knew each other, it was easier for them to make conversation, and Haseul felt a little lost. She was sitting next to Sooyoung and Jinsoul in the round booth, with Heejin to her far right. She leaned back in the seat, taking a deep breath to try and relax.

The lights were low and it made Haseul feel kind of sleepy. She blinked groggily as she heard Heejin direct a question at her, perking up a bit.

"What did you say?"

"I said what is your major?"

"I'm an art history major," Haseul told her. "You?"

"I'm economics, Sooyoung here is engineering," Heejin nudged her.

"Jinsoul is Computer Science," Haseul patted her best friend's head.

"You know, Sooyoung is right," Heejin leaned back, looking from Jinsoul to Haseul. "If I saw you two together, I'd think you were dating,"

Sooyoung turned red.

Jinsoul laughed. "Why'd you tell her about that?"

Sooyoung looked away. "I-"

"We get that a lot," Haseul assured them. "But Jinsoul is like my sister,"

"Hm, could've fooled me," Heejin shrugged. "But if you were worried, I'm gay as fuck, I wouldn't judge if it was fruity,"

"We're gay too," Haseul replied.

THE LINE - YVESEULWhere stories live. Discover now