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Haseul didn't remember leaving her drapes open, but she was awakened to the golden light of the sun on her face and she automatically groaned and buried her face in the pillow. She felt weird, her body weirdly sore but in a...satisfying way? She couldn't really describe it.

She lifted herself up the tiniest bit to look at her alarm clock. It was Saturday so she didn't have any classes but she always kept her alarm on when Sooyoung stayed over so that they wouldn't accidentally sleep through the whole day.

Jinsoul must've turned it off, or Sooyoung. Speaking of Sooyoung...

Haseul slapped a hand over her mouth.

I had sex with Sooyoung. Oh my god oh my god oh my god I had sex with Sooyoung.

It was all coming back to her now, how the kissing turned to making out and turned to...

Haseul fidgeted as the phantom sensations of Sooyoung's tongue and fingers racked her body. Last night's events began vividly replaying in her mind, she remembered the way Sooyoung had softly connected their lips...

and other, less soft things too.

Haseul ran her hand through her hair. She knew it wasn't a dream, but it felt unreal. Sooyoung? The girl she had pinned after for months had been to one to kiss her?

She practically gasped as she looked down and saw that the only clothing she was still wearing was a shirt. Her underwear and shorts were tossed onto the floor, and Haseul blushed as she looked down at her bare legs littered with hickies. She didn't remember Sooyoung being this rough, but the night was only coming back to her in pieces.

The last thing she remembered was the feeling of their naked bodies pressed together for warmth as Sooyoung's breath hit her forehead and her fingers combed through Haseul's sweaty hair.

Haseul didn't even think, she just grabbed her phone and called Jinsoul. Her hands were shaking, every movement she made reminded her of last night. She looked at her hands, remembering how they had been tangled in Sooyoung's hair as Sooyoung-

She couldn't think about that right now. She squeezed her legs together.

"Jinsoul!" She practically screamed into the speaker when the older girl picked up.

"What do you want?" The older girl whined from the other line. "Are you dying? I'm an basketball practice right now,"

Oh right, Haseul had forgotten about that. She lowered her voice, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

"I slept with Sooyoung," Haseul whispered, biting her lip.

"ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" Jinsoul said excitedly. "You're serious? How did this happen? When did this happen? Give me details right now,"

"Last night," Haseul mumbled. "She just...kissed me, then we were making out, and then..." She smiled. "Oh my god, it was so good,"

She told Jinsoul everything she remembered, and Jinsoul listened intently, making gagging noises even though Haseul knew she wanted to know. That was how they were, it wasn't weird to discuss that stuff. Although Haseul didn't much like hearing stuff about Jinsoul, Jinsoul with her much less limited experience was a good listener. Even if she made childish noises occasionally.

"So you guys just...fell asleep?" Jinsoul asked.

"It was weird, it felt so natural, like we didn't even have to talk," Haseul admitted. "I can't really wrap my head around it, even now. I can't believe she was the one who kissed me. It's just...unbelievable,"

"Not really," Jinsoul snorted. " haven't talked?"

"Oh god, I don't even know what I'm gonna say," Haseul groaned. "This...this means she has feelings for me, right?"

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