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Sooyoung opened the door to the diner, letting Haseul walk in first and grinning at her when Haseul blinked in surprise.

"A 1950's diner is not what I was picturing when you said you wanted to go out," Haseul said bluntly, gazing around the restaurant. It was on the smaller side, with large windows and an array of red booths. It was cute.

"What were you picturing?"

"Something moody and dark," Haseul said cheekily, earning a slap and an eye roll from Sooyoung.

"I picked something that was more you," Sooyoung told her as they sat down at a booth in the back. Haseul bit her lip as Sooyoung kept their hands locked even when they were seated in their booth.

"Hm," Haseul looked around, inspecting the place. There were a good amount of people in the diner, but most of them weren't close to Sooyoung and Haseul which made it ideal. The floors seemed kind of dirty but it had a charm to it, and Haseul would be willing to bet anything that the food was divine, just by the smell.


"I'm trying to figure out why this place is "more me" than other options," Haseul told her.

"Well, if I was doing it all for you, then I'd take you to some sort library and cafe so you could spend the day reading," Sooyoung replied, softening when she saw how Haseul's eyes lit up. "But I was hoping you'd meet me in the middle,"

Haseul blushed. "Sure I will. This place is cute,"

Like you. Sooyoung quickly willed the thought away.

"I have a feeling you planned something else for the night," Haseul squinted her eyes in suspicion, making Sooyoung laugh.

"I'm taking you to a movie," Sooyoung shrugged, clearly not wanting Haseul to have an overreaction to it.

So Haseul did.

"You are?" She asked incredulously. "Sooyoung you're the sweetest person ever. Thank you so much-"

"It's a scary movie, don't get too excited," Sooyoung said, and Haseul could tell she was trying not to get her friend's hopes up.

Scary enough that it won't be odd if I cuddle with you? Haseul could only hope.

"What makes you think I don't like scary movies?" Haseul mumbled, noticing the menu on the table and picking it up to hide her face.

"Seul, remember that time we tried to watch American Horror Story at your house?"


"You started crying and then you called me after I went home saying you had nightmares-"

"Okay, point taken," Haseul mumbled. "Hey wait! If you know I don't like them why'd you pick one?"

She put her menu down to see Sooyoung looking at her hands, biting her lip.

"I thought maybe you'd want me to hold you," She said sheepishly, clearing her throat.

"Oh," Haseul couldn't hide her smile. "Too shy to ask to cuddle with me?"

Sooyoung turned red. "No,"

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