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Haseul felt kind of nervous. Sooyoung had always been this unattainable kind of cool to her, even when she was dorky and shy in reality. Haseul didn't know why she agreed to go to a party, she hated them. Up until today, she was under the impression Sooyoung felt the same way.

Heejin leaved in the east dorms, but Haseul had decided that she'd make the trip on foot. She was slightly out of breath when she got there, hoping that no one was expecting her to be dressed too nice. Sooyoung's "casual" could mean a lot of things.

She didn't know a lot of the people at this party, but as she walked in the door, her eyes found Sooyoung and her doubt was replaced by awe.

Sooyoung looked really nice. She was wearing a pair of nice jeans and a printed tee, with her hair in a complicated half up do that showed off her jawline and Haseul could almost drool. She looked like every lesbian's dream girlfriend.

Then Sooyoung caught her eye, and hurried over to her.

"You made it," She said softly, taking Haseul's hand. "I was worried you wouldn't show,"

"I'm fashionably late," Haseul smiled. "And I said I'd show up, didn't I?"

"Yeah well it's in my nature to worry," Sooyoung brushed the hair from Haseul's face, admiring her. Haseul smiled up at Sooyoung, then feeling slightly nervous when she felt eyes on her.

"Don't be shy," Sooyoung took her hand. "They're just friends from high school and my dance team. Harmless. You'll be fine,"

"Sooyoung I'm way too lame to be here," She whispered.

"What on earth do you mean? You're the coolest person in the whole dorm," Sooyoung wrapped her arm around Haseul and smiled. "Come on, I'll get you a drink,"

Haseul wasn't exactly sure how much time had passed. Surprisingly, she was enjoying herself. Sooyoung's friends were like Sooyoung herself, kind, talented, funny, and goddamn why were they all attractive. Even the men were pleasant to look at, Haseul wasn't sure how it was possible.

Haseul knew that Sooyoung was keeping an eye on her, which honestly she found kind of nice. It felt good to be looked out for, not that Haseul really needed any help. They just understood each other enough to know when Haseul might want to leave. Sooyoung was thoughtful enough to care.

Then Haseul saw something she didn't expect to see.

"HA SOOYOUNG!" Called a loud voice, and Haseul spotted a small, adorable woman with a smile like the sun walking through Heejin's doorway. "WHERE ARE YOU LOVE?"

With a girl like that, Haseul expected Sooyoung to be uncomfortable, maybe look to Haseul for help. She did not expect for Sooyoung to grin and wrap the stranger in a tight hug.

Love? Since when does this girl call her Love?

"Jiwoo!" Sooyoung cried happily. "I've missed you so much!"

Haseul swallowed uncomfortably.

"There was this girl on my team, she was really cute. Her name was Jiwoo, and she sang me this really cute love song at our recital," Sooyoung's eyes glossed over and Haseul could see the happiness in them. "She was my first girlfriend,"

"I know! Calling isn't the same," Jiwoo sighed, even though she still had an impossibly wide grin on her face. "You look so good!"

"So do you!" Sooyoung gave her a once over. "You only get prettier,"

Jiwoo gasped melodramatically. "Ha Sooyoung! Are you trying to win me back?"

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