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"I am actually going to die," Jungeun groaned, burying her face in her hands as she finished reading the email for the umpteenth time.

"Can you tell me what the fuck you're whining about?" Hyunjin demanded from across the table, a notebook open in front of her while she leisurely ate another spoonful of her yogurt.

"Look," Jungeun pushed the laptop towards her, then pressed her fingers to her temples.

"Kim Jungeun, you have been selected for our tutoring program in the english department for Course level 2..." Hyunjin read through the email with a furrowed brow. "This doesn't seem so bad, you get a ton of extra credit,"

"No," Jungeun pointed to the bottom of the text. "Look,"

Hyunjin's eyes lit up. "You're tutoring Jung Jinsoul? As in the Jung Jinsoul? Like the hottest girl on our whole college campus?"

"Yes!" Jungeun hissed, looking around. "Now be quiet,"

"It's a library, no one is listening," Hyunjin leaned back in her chair, a smug smile on her face. "So, you get to spend hours, alone, with the girl you have the fattest crush on?"

"It's going to be literal hell," Jungeun exclaimed glumly.

"Are you kidding? That's a fucking score! You're getting in her pants by the third session, I guarantee it,"

"No!" Jungeun covered her face. "No. It's a tutoring session, not a hookup,"

"Ugh, sometimes I forget that we're related, you're so lame," Hyunjin sighed. "Say, if you don't get with her, give her my number,"

"Absolutely not," Jungeun shook her head. "And aren't you like, almost dating that blonde girl?"

"Which one?" Hyunjin smirked.

"You're disgusting,"

"What can I say," Hyunjin obnoxiously licked the yogurt off her spoon. "Kim Hyunjin is always open for the love of another women,"

Jungeun rolled her eyes, biting her lip as she read over the email one more time. Just to make sure this wasn't some stress-induced nightmare she was having.

"When is it?"

Jungeun sank lower in her chair. "Today,"

"TODAY?" Hyunjin stood up, surprise on her face.

"In an hour,"

"Well then," Hyunjin smirked. "I'll let you prepare,"

"Hyunjin," Jungeun groaned. "We're not going to have sex,"

"If you're my cousin," Hyunjin leaned in. "Then you definitely are,"


"Are you my cousin Jung?"

"Yes, but-"

"YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. MY COUSIN IS GONNA GET THE PUSSY," Hyunjin announced loudly. The whole library was probably looking at them, and Jungeun was seconds away from murdering her.

"You are going to shut your mouth, or I'll tell Yerim that you were dancing with another girl at the club last night," Jungeun warned lowly.

Hyunjin laughed. "We're not dating, I'm not scared-"

"You think she'd be happy if I told her I saw Kahei leaving your room the other day?"

Hyunjin narrowed her eyes. "You win. Just this once. But I demand to know everything that happened as soon as you're done,"

"It'll be a disappointing update, but sure," Jungeun shrugged.

"I believe in you, Jung," Hyunjin raised her fist in support. "You can do it,"

"I'm making a point of not doing it,"

"Say what you want," Hyunjin packed her things and waved a goodbye. "But I guarantee that you'll be more head over heels with her by the end of the hour,"

"That," Jungeun mumbled as Hyunjin left the library. "I agree with,"

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