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The squeak of shoes on the hardwood floor of the gym made Haseul look up from her notebook. The coach yelled something imperceptible to her and based on the excited whispers of the girls behind her, Haseul knew the practice was over.

To say the fangirls hated her was putting it nicely. It had been enough to deal with when it was just Jinsoul, who she treated like a best friend and very much enjoyed their attention. Jinsoul's admirers weren't fond of her but they she was just Jinsoul's best friend.

Sooyoung's fangirls absolutely loathed her. Sooyoung was different in that she couldn't care less about the people who liked her, in fact she seemed rather annoyed that they showed up to try and get her attention. Not only that, but the way she and Haseul interacted was much different. Her hands lingered on Haseul, she stood much closer. She smiled more and sometimes she'd come up to Haseul after practices and hug her just to make Haseul shriek about how sweaty she was.

Haseul saw the implications of their closeness, the fangirls did too, but not Sooyoung. Never Sooyoung. Haseul didn't know if she was disappointed or grateful for that.

Jinsoul and Sooyoung must've chosen to shower at the gym because they were taking much too long getting changed, Haseul abandoned her notebook with a sigh, looking at her phone for the time.

"Hey," Said a voice behind her, and Haseul jumped in surprise, looking up at the seat currently filled by a brown haired girl.

"Oh, hi," Haseul nodded. "Do I know you?"

"I just noticed you must be waiting for someone, I thought I might as well say hi," The girl smiled. "Your Jinsoul's friend, right?"

Haseul sighed. "Look, if you want her number, you'll have to ask her directly-"

"What? No no," The girl shook her head with a laugh. "I'm Miyeon. Minnie's girlfriend. Minnie's the Thai one with the bangs and the great arms,"

Sooyoung probably has better arms.

"Oh," Haseul laughed in relief too. "For a second I thought you were just another one of the girls vying for my friend's affection,"

"Definitely not," Miyeon shook her head, sitting down next to Haseul. "Although I know how persistent those girls are. With a girlfriend on the basketball team, I'm practically tearing them off Minnie. You get it,"

Haseul blinked. "I do?"

"Well yeah, Sooyoung is the apple of their eyes," Miyeon said matter of factly. "I can hear the swooning every time she makes a basket. They love her. You're lucky your girlfriend completely ignores them, as much as Minnie loves me she's still an absolute flirt,"

Haseul's mind was reeling. "You think me and Sooyoung..."

"It's the struggle you and I bear, right?" Miyeon nudged her.

"I'm not dating Sooyoung," Haseul blurted, rather loudly, and she could feel eyes on her.

Miyeon got cautious. "Oh, did you guys break up, or..."

"No!" Haseul blushed. "We're friends,"

"Oh, right, friends," Miyeon smirked.

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