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There was something distinctly different about Haseul's relationship with Sooyoung compared to any other friendship she had. They got closer over the next few weeks, the awkwardness went away after a time. They felt relaxed with each other. Haseul still got those butterflies, but she could hide it better now. Either that or Sooyoung was just absolutely clueless, and Haseul was guessing it was a little bit of both.

Then something changed. Sooyoung had never really struck her as a very clingy or touchy person, but as Jinsoul had to start preparing for a big project in her programming class, Haseul filled the time she spent with Jinsoul with Sooyoung.

Haseul had asked if that made Jinsoul jealous. Haseul wanted her friend to know that she wasn't being replaced, but Jinsoul just smirked.

"Seulie, that doesn't threaten me at all," She said matter of factly. "That is not platonic, no matter what you say,"

Haseul hadn't argued with her, there was just no convincing Jinsoul that she and Sooyoung were just friends.

But then when she was with Sooyoung, something was different. Sooyoung and her held hands, they walked with linked arms, Sooyoung would rest her head on Haseul's shoulder. Sooyoung would come up behind her and wrap her arms around Haseul's waist, even when they were with friends. She'd whisper things in Haseul's ear to make her laugh and then Jinsoul would give them that look, meaning you guys are in love stop trying to deny it.

Then, of course, when they were alone. Sooyoung would cuddle with her, wrap her arms around Haseul during a movie and not let go. Haseul wouldn't comment on how Sooyoung would brush the hair from her face for her when they were doing something together. They didn't talk about the way Sooyoung would intertwine their fingers under the table when they were out to eat.

And because of that, Haseul felt like she could do the same. She purposely didn't bring jackets when they were out so she could huddle up next to Sooyoung. She had no problem laying on top of Sooyoung when they were spread out on the couch watching a movie. There was no space between them when they were together. They sat closer, with Sooyoung's arm around Haseul's shoulders. Sooyoung would take her hand between both of her own and gently stroke Haseul's knuckles, sometimes so absentmindedly that Jinsoul would catch them and Haseul would be blushing so deep a red that Sooyoung would notice and fuss over her, asking if she was alright in her ear and in turn making Haseul more embarrassed.

Their friend groups merged, now it consisted of Jinsoul, Haseul, Sooyoung, Heejin, Yerim, and Hyunjin. By some miracle, the other girls never commented on how close Haseul and Sooyoung seemed to be, which was odd because Haseul knew they noticed. She could see Heejin and Jinsoul exchange those knowing looks and she sometimes saw Hyunjin roll her eyes when Sooyoung hugged her. It was fine. As long as Sooyoung didn't know.

Haseul was sitting at her desk in her room, working on a paper for her history class. She'd been slaving over it for days and had gotten nowhere, Haseul figured it was because she had skipped the last few classes. Normally Haseul wouldn't do that, she was a very diligent student, but Sooyoung had been taking her out to breakfast every few days and Haseul still hadn't told her that she had a morning class. Really, it was on her.

"Hey," Sooyoung walked in, still wearing her jersey and shorts. "I got your tea,"

"Thank you," Haseul reached up and took it from her. "Uh, Sooyoung? Don't those smell?" She asked, nodding to her clothes.

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