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"Private room?" Jungeun asked in surprise when she saw Jinsoul in a classroom, having gotten the text to meet somewhere else.

"Thought we'd appreciate the quiet, given how noisy the library can be," Jinsoul smiled.

"That's usually because of us," Jungeun giggled as she entered.

Jinsoul's eyes scanned her body, and Jinsoul felt her skin get a little hotter as she took in the sight of Jungeun in one of her short skirts, exposing her slim legs and accentuating her curvy hips. Jinsoul's tongue wet her lips, already thinking of all the ways she wanted to mark them up. Horny Jinsoul's lust was much stronger than Rational Jinsoul's logic, so her social awareness didn't kick in until a good few seconds of admiring Jungeun's body.

How cruel that Jinsoul was expected to interact with a girl like this and not fall head over heels for her.

"Cruel," Jinsoul muttered.

"Huh?" Jungeun blinked at her. "Did you say something?"

"Nope," Said Jinsoul, popping the p. "Although, I was kind of wondering if today we could just...relax,"

"Oh," Jungeun sat down next to her. "You could've canceled our session if you wanted free time,"

"No, but I wanted free time with you," Jinsoul said sweetly, putting her hand on Jungeun's leg.

Jungeun's face became very red very quickly. "Oh...alright,"

"Don't be so nervous," Jinsoul giggled, letting her thumb graze the blonde's skin.

"I-I'm not," Jungeun told her shyly.

Jinsoul groaned internally. Oh, I'm going to fuck you so hard.

She didn't say that, instead she smirked and looked back down at her notebook and pretended to go over notes, when really her mind was focused on her hand on Jungeun's leg.

"Jinsoul," Jungeun whispered with a strained sound, and Jinsoul looked over to see the girl pressing her legs together and shutting her eyes.

"Aw, you alright?" She asked gleefully.

"...you know what you're doing," Jungeun grumbled.

"And you like it," Jinsoul finished, making the blonde haired girl blush.

"I didn't say that,"

"Are you going to deny it?"

Jungeun glowered, but didn't disagree. "Seriously, that's making it hard to concentrate-"

"Good," Jinsoul replied. "You've been making it hard for me to concentrate, Lippie,"

"I didn't mean to," Jungeun mumbled, looking down at her hands.

"No, Jungeun," Jinsoul laughed breathily. "I'm not complaining," She leaned forward till her lips were close to Jungeun's ear. "In fact, I'd say you're a very pretty distraction,"

Jungeun's breath caught in her throat. "You're messing with me,"

"Me? Never," Jinsoul smirked. "We're alone, and I've got a beautiful girl like you all to myself," She pouted. "Really, can you blame me?"

Jungeun looked away. "I don't want to do this,"

Jinsoul's heart sank. "Do what?"

"Be just another girl to you," Jungeun whispered. "I like you. I really like you. I was hoping maybe you liked me too,"

"Hey," Jinsoul held her cheek. "I can't like you and find you hot at the same time?"

Jungeun blushed. "It's just-"

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