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It took a while for Haseul to fully forgive Sooyoung, if she was totally honest. It had been hard for her to see the person she loved most completely leave her for weeks, but once she was back, Haseul knew that there was nothing Sooyoung wouldn't do for her. Haseul had grown more accustomed to classes and Sooyoung's basketball season was over, so they had more time to simply spend together. Haseul's heart felt light. This was love, pure and simple, she couldn't ever find anyone to make her happier.

Jinsoul and Jungeun had taken much longer to forgive her. They'd been very unsubtle about their distaste for Sooyoung in the beginning of their relationship, but anyone with eyes could see that Sooyoung was committed. They'd both be cold to her, until they walked in, coming home from a party, to see Sooyoung carrying a fast asleep Haseul to her room with such a caring look on her face that they just had to be soulmates.

"Why don't you do that for me?" Jungeun complained.

"I'm the one that falls asleep during movies, you do it!"

They eventually made up with the oldest girl, and Sooyoung assured them that there were no hard feelings. Haseul was glad that her friends and her girlfriend were no longer sworn enemies, and now they could hang out as a group, go on double dates, and Haseul didn't get a glare everytime she mentioned her girlfriend.

It was still hard sometimes for Sooyoung to open up. She always wanted to be strong in Haseul's presence, she wanted to be someone Haseul could rely on, but the person that needed that the most was Sooyoung herself. God, Haseul just wanted to kill her parents for making Sooyoung feel like such a failure all the time. Sooyoung practically lived at Haseul's apartment, you wouldn't even know that Sooyoung had moved into her own apartment.

(Heejin's was taken up by Jiwoo, with whom she had been dating for the better part of 3 months, but they moved fast.)

Haseul and Sooyoung had finally crossed all the lines that separated them from each other. Haseul didn't hold herself back from Sooyoung anymore. For Sooyoung, she wanted to be brave. She wanted to show her girlfriend that Sooyoung was all she'd ever need.

"When did you know you were in love?" Sooyoung quietly asked her one night, when they were sitting out of the deck of Sooyoung's dorm, both dressed in their matching sweatshirts.

"I was always in love with you," Haseul replied easily.

"No, but, the moment when you realized that I was," Sooyoung hid a smile. "The one,"

"Oh," Haseul thought about it for a moment. "I think, when I called you that night,"

"What night?"

"When we watched American Horror Story. When I had the nightmare and I called you," Haseul explained. "And you calmed me down,"

"Really?" Sooyoung's brow furrowed. "That's a lot less...romantic then I hoped it would be,"

"It was very romantic," Haseul insisted. "I felt so scared, and then hearing your voice it just..." She blushed. "I felt okay,"

"I really didn't want to hang up that night," Sooyoung admitted after a moment of silence. "I wanted to come over and make sure you weren't crying anymore. God, I don't think I slept at all. Too busy longing for you," Sooyoung groaned. "Oh my god I sound so cheesy,"

"You do," Haseul poked her. "But I like to hear you wanted me the same way. What about you? What was your moment?"

Sooyoung bit her lip, deep in thought. "I think...when I got us these sweaters," She looked down at her own. "Can I confess something to you?"

"I told you you're not allowed to hold anything back," Haseul said playfully.

"I didn't mess up the names," Sooyoung mumbled. "I just wanted to have yours on mine and mine on yours,"

"Awwwwww," Haseul cooed, poking her girlfriend's reddened face. "You're a softie,"

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, unable to stop the smile on her lips. "Yeah well, you fell in love with me over a tv show,"

Haseul groaned. "You're making me regret admitting that,"

"It's a totally foolproof plan," Sooyoung teased, standing up and pulling Haseul into her bedroom. "Making someone watch a scary movie and then calming them down afterwards. Works every time,"

Haseul glared at her. "There better not be a next time,"

Sooyoung pulled her closer. "No, never again," She brushed the hair from Haseul's face. "They'll never be another girl like you,"

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, just taking in each other's presence, and it occurred to Haseul not for the first time that she'd be content to spend the rest of her life with this girl.

"I better be the last time," Haseul uttered just before they kissed, and she could feel the thinking of Sooyoung's heart and her lips curve upwards into a smile.

"You know," Sooyoung breathed. "I think you will,"

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