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"I'm going to seduce her," Haseul heard Jinsoul say distantly.

Haseul snorted. "Seduce your tutor?"

"You haven't seen her!" Jinsoul insisted with a pout. "She's freaking adorable. But, she's the type of lesbian who won't even look in my direction,"

"There's another word for that, called not interested," Haseul raised a brow, amazed with her friend's confidence.

"Nooo," Jinsoul shook her head. "I swear, she's into me, she just needs a little push and she'll end up right there I want her,"

"Which is where?" Haseul asked. "Your bed?"

"That isn't off the menu," Jinsoul chuckled. "But I like her, and I want to take her out,"

"This girl sounds like she needs to file a restraining order. You haven't told me her name but you've described her smile in detail several times," Haseul commented matter-of-factly, looking down at her phone. It was a message from Sooyoung.

up for a party later?

is this the kind of party I have to dress up for?

ofc not
just wanna introduce you to some of my old friends
apparently I talk about you enough that they wanna meet you

I'd love that

cool :D
Heejin's dorm, 7:00pm

"Because she has a great smile," Jinsoul put her head down on the table and sighed.

"Yes. I know. I think you've told me that like, 5 times already," Haseul said with a slight laugh.

"Because," Jinsoul glared at her. "It's true. And unlike you who can only pine after a girl for literal months without speaking to them, I'm going to ask her out,"

Haseul looked away, hiding her cheeks. Jinsoul was sometimes a little too on the nose. "Do you always have to mention Sooyoung-"

"How many times have I had to sit through one of your rants about her smile?" Jinsoul asked pointedly. Haseul knew she was right. Sometimes she'd forget that she wasn't supposed to have feelings for Sooyoung and she'd go to her best friend, looking to pour out all her gayness since she couldn't exactly do it to Sooyoung.

"But you've seen her smile, it's-"

"I think you should downplay the discussion on her smile to talk about her abs," Jinsoul said dreamily.

"-breathtaking, wait what?" Haseul asked in alarm.

"Well, being the only person who's seen both Sooyoung and Jungeun's smile, I can fairly say that my girl is better,"

Haseul blushed slightly. "Sooyoung is not my girl,"

"I'm sorry, did she or did she not ask you out to a movie last weekend?"

Haseul coughed. "Well-"

"And then kissed your cheek when she dropped you off at home. And then you two end up spooning on your bed instead of letting her go home,"

Jinsoul just didn't know the whole story. If she knew about Sooyoung's mom, then she'd understand why Sooyoung didn't want to go home.

Haseul shook her head. "That doesn't mean she likes me,"

Jinsoul just didn't know the reasoning. Sooyoung didn't stay for her, and the kissing, it was normal for them. Haseul knew Sooyoung didn't mean it like that.

Jinsoul sighed in exasperation. "You're hopeless, Haseul. Even as her friend, you're still absolutely hopeless,"

"She is just a really affectionate person," Haseul mumbled.

"No she's fucking not!" Jinsoul yelled. "Haseul, she bought you matching sweaters!"



"Ladies," Said the librarian, with a weary smile. "Please keep it down, this is a public library,"

Haseul and Jinsoul quietly made their apologies before glaring at each other again.

"How do you even know about that?" Haseul asked, feeling slightly exposed.

"The fact that Sooyoung doesn't do it when she knows your friends are watching should tell you that it's even just a little gay,"

"It's not-"

"It's gay,"


"So gay,"


"The gayest,"

"Jinsoul!" Haseul groaned. "Look, you might have a tiny bit of a point, but this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you're obsessing over a girl you met a couple weeks ago,"

"That's an appropriate amount of time," Jinsoul argued. "And need I remind you what you said the first time you met Sooyoung?"


"That girl looks like an angel," Jinsoul mocked her. "I don't feel like you are in a position to judge me,"

"Okay fine. Point taken," Haseul mumbled. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, have fun with your "friend dates" and "friend kisses" and probably "platonic sex"-"

"I will murder you," Haseul replied with clenched teeth.

"I'm gonna go score the girl of my dreams," Jinsoul smiled as she stood up, throwing her stuff into her bag and winking. "Wish me luck,"


"Love you too, Haseul,"

THE LINE - YVESEULWhere stories live. Discover now