The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 4

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I was laid on something soft; I assume it was a bed. The covers were draped over me, and I snuggled deeper, the scent of vanilla and strawberries filling my nostrils. A door was closed; and I heard the shower turn on.

‘Kayden’s taking a shower.’ the voice sang in my head. If only covering my ears would silence it… He’s just a friend, nothing more.

‘Don’t lie. You like him.’

I feel a blush make its way to my cheeks, and I hate it. Maybe I do like him? What does it matter? I shouldn’t even be thinking about this. My parents just kicked me out of my own house! I should be angry, furious at what they did. At first, that was how I felt.

Keyword: was

Now, all I feel is relief. It’s like I’ve always wanted to leave, wanted to get away from all those bad memories lurking in that house. Nothing good ever happened there. I never had a birthday party. My parents were never home to celebrate it. All that house meant was sadness and loneliness.

When I was with Kayden, I was happy. More than happy, actually. Ever since he showed up, I’ve been smiling and laughing, something I never did. He made me feel so alive and lighthearted.

‘That’s why you like him.’

The shower shuts off abruptly, followed by the shuffling of feet. The bathroom door opens, and I force my eyes to stay closed.

‘Just a peek.’ my voice taunts. I mentally groan in frustration. Can’t it just shut up for at least a minute?!

My eyes suddenly acquire a mind of their own and open, and I hold in a gasp. At that precise moment, Kayden walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel around his waist, and damn he looks fine. He walks into his closet, and switches on the light. About a minute passes by, and he walks out, only wearing boxers. Ugh. He could have at least put a shirt on, too. Shutting off the light, the room is pitch-black.

Does he have night-vision goggles or something?

There is a loud bang as his body hits the floor. He curses under his breath. I bite my lip to stifle a laugh, but a small giggle escapes.  

I really hope he didn’t hear that…

Kayden grunted, and the bed dipped beside me. I shut my eyes and hoped he would think I was asleep. He moved closer; his hot breath scorching my neck.

“Its either your having a really funny dream…”he breathed in my ear, “or you awake.”

I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying my best to hold in my laughter.

“Personally, I think your awake.”

He poked my side, making my body twitch, and I let out a small giggle.

“You can’t fool me, Jacky.” he whispered softly.

My body shakes with my silent laughter and Kayden chuckles.

“I was sleeping, but you woke me up!” I protest.


“I’m not lying!” I roll over, to face him. His eyes are closed, and he seems to be deep in thought.

“Did your parents really kick you out?” he asks out of the blue.

“Yeah.” I sigh.

“Do you have anywhere to go?”

“I think I can find a place that I can afford. I’ll probably have to get a job-”

“Or you could stay here.” he mumbles.

I stay silent for awhile, contemplating how I should respond.

“ I don’t know….I don’t want to be a burden..” I trail off.

“You wouldn’t.” He opens his eyes and stares at me. “Your always welcome here, Jacky.”

I smile and give him a hug. “ Thank you.”

“No problem. Besides, what if you move into a place filled with mad killers?!” He waves his hands in the air dramatically, and I punch his arm.

“Ow!” he complains. “What’s with you and hitting me all the time?”

“Your annoying.”

“Or maybe you just like touching me.” he winks.

“Pervert.” I mutter, inching away from him slowly.

He smirks, and starts moving closer every time I move farther away. I let out a shriek as I fall off the bed, and Kayden bursts into laughter, clutching his stomach.

Once I get back on the bed, I attempt to push him off, but he doesn’t budge, making him laugh harder. I stick my tongue out at him, and lay back under the covers, my back facing him. Not too long after, he wraps his arms around me. My heart speeds up.

Calm down, Jacky. Your just friends.

‘I’m pretty sure friends don’t embrace each other that way.’ the voice says.

‘Shut up!’

“Your parents are just stupid. How could they kick out someone amazing like you.”

I shrug, not wanting to give him a full answer.

“If it makes you feel better, my family would have loved you.” he says.

I shift, so that I’m once again facing him. His eyes hold an unreadable emotion, something I’ve seen a lot lately. I let out a small yawn, and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear making me blush. At least the lights were off so he wouldn’t see my red face.

‘I don’t think friends do that either.’

‘If you were a real live person, I would have strangled you by now.‘ I retort.

“I think we should call it a night.” he suggests. I nod my head slightly, and close my eyes.

“Night Kayden.”

“Sweet dreams, Jacky.”

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