The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 18

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Chapter 18

I watched as his grandparents happily greeted him, as I stood by the door. Cheryl practically choked him to death when she hugged him, and apologized over and over for it. He laughed it off and made a joke. They all laughed with him. He always did have a good sense of humor. He managed to make me laugh even in my foulest moods. Not that I was laughing now.

I had no energy to laugh, and even if I did, what would I laugh about? Should I laugh because my parents didn’t love me? Should I laugh because my life was messed up beyond repair? Or should I laugh because the guy I love has absolutely no memory of me?

I had no reason to laugh. He didn’t remember me.

So while his grandparents crowded him, laughing, I stood by the door, silently watching them. I didn’t even know why I was still here. This wasn’t my family anymore. I no longer belonged here.

Deep down though, there was a tinge of hope within me. Hope that he’d see me, and instantly have all his lost memories back. Although the doctor had said otherwise.

“I’m sorry, but…he will most likely never get his memories back, due to the accident. I’m really sorry.”

He had said those exact words, right to my face. He didn’t look sorry. He just acted as if it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me! Hearing those words had me feeling as if my heart was just ripped right out of my chest. The thought of him gone from my life. It brought unbearable pain. He was the only one who cared. I relied on him.

And now I had to face the facts.

I was on my own now.

I sighed, and turned to leave, taking one step out of the room.

“And who might you be?”

My breath caught. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and slowly turned around to face him. He watched me with his curious blue eyes. Those blue eyes that I loved waking up to.

I contemplated on what to tell him. 

Telling the truth would make no difference. It would just be a huge burden on him. It would make him feel guilty. That was one of the last things I wanted to do.

“I’m a friend of your grandmother.” I lied. He smirked, and my stomach did flip flops.

“Really? Cause’ you look really young for a sixty-seven year old.” he laughed.

I felt my lips turn upwards into a small smile. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him.

“How old do I look then?” I questioned him. He chuckled, and pursed those soft pink lips of his, thinking for a moment.

“Hmmm..eighteen?” He guessed, grinning.

I laughed and nodded my head. “Lucky guess.”

I then noticed James and Cheryl watching our exchange curiously. When our eyes met, they gave me sad smiles.

They knew what I was trying to do.

“So a family friend, eh? Didn’t know Gran had such young friends. Otherwise, I would’ve joined her tea parties.” he joked. Cheryl nudged him and clicked her tongue.

“Are you calling me old?” she asked, glaring down at him. He gulped and looked away from her gaze.

“No ma’am.” He answered back quickly. A smug smile made its way onto her face. Then she looked at me.

“Jacky, would you mind joining me for a cup of coffee?” she offered.

“Umm..sure?” I replied, but it seemed pointless since she was already tugging me out of the room.

“We’ll be back in twenty minutes tops!” She called over her shoulder. From the room, I could hear James and Kayden laughing. 

We walked all the way to the cafeteria, Cheryl never letting go of my arm. We ordered some coffee from Starbuck’s, then sat at one of the tables. She sipped her coffee, nervously looking everywhere but at me. I eyed her warily, now knowing that she didn’t just drag me here for a friendly conversation.

“I know you brought me here for another reason.” I stated, after a couple of minutes in silence. She sighed, and finally met my gaze.

“I have a favor to ask of you.” She said slowly.

I nodded for her to continue.

“I know that you want to leave as soon as possible, seeing as there’s no reason to stay…but what if he does get his memory back?” she told me.

“Then give me a call.” I replied bluntly. She shook her head.

“Jacky…I know this has been really hard for you. Do you really want to leave though? I mean, he could get his memory back at any-”

“He’s not going to!” I seethed. “Even the doctor said so!”

She looked pretty shocked at my outburst, but recovered quickly.

“The doctor doesn’t know anything.” she muttered. I looked down at the table. “Jacky please…just give him a month. That’s all I ask of you.”

We sat quietly for a moment, neither of us uttering a word. I sighed, exasperated.

“Why are you doing this?”

She looked up from her coffee, and smiled at me warmly.

“I’ve seen Kayden with you. I could tell just by the way he looked at you, that he loved you so much. You’re an amazing girl. No other girl will ever love him as much as you will. I can’t bear to see you walk away from this, knowing what could have been. All I’m asking is that you give him a chance..” she explained. “I know it’s only been a few days, but you’re like a granddaughter to me. I don’t want things to end like this.”

I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek, and I wiped it away. We both let out a much needed laugh. 

“Fine. One month.” I agreed smiling slightly. She grinned and pulled me into a hug. 


After two weeks of recovery, Kayden was released from the hospital. James had moved his belongings into his old room, while I stayed in the guest room.

At first, I had wondered why we had not stayed in his old room. Well, that was before I saw it. All four walls of his bedroom were filled with posters of half-naked chicks. It would be an understatement to say I was scarred for life, after that experience. I found myself feeling relieved that we’d slept in one of the guest rooms. Sleeping in that room would have been close to impossible.

I was in my room one morning, clicking though channels, when there was a knock at my door.

“Come in.” I yelled, still flipping through channels.

The door opened, and Kayden walked in, wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. My eyes widened at the sight, and the remote dropped to the floor with a clack! I bit my lip as I saw beads of sweat roll down his muscled chest and torso, disappearing below the waistband of his shorts.

“Yeah, I tend to have that affect on a lot of people.” he chuckled, eyeing the remote on the ground in amusement. I glared at it, blaming it for this awkward situation, as my cheeks flamed.

“So..what do you want?” I asked, looking anywhere but at him.

“Gram wanted to know if you were hungry.”

“Nah. Not hungry.” I said quickly, wishing that he’d leave the room, before I actually jumped his bones. That would certainly not be good.

“Alright.” he replied, shrugging. “You’ll be missing out on spending time with my sexy self.” He taunted, cockily.

“You’re so full of yourself.” I muttered. He laughed.

“You know you love me.” He smirked before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sighed, and looked up at the ceiling.

“You have no idea how much.” I whispered.

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