The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 15

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Chapter 15

The reception was surprisingly elegant, considering it was being held outdoors. All the tables were round with white table cloths, and five or six chairs. People were talking and laughing, eating and drinking. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was really looking forward to chatting with Kayden’s grandparents some more, but here we were, sitting with a bunch of Kayden’s old buddies.

There was Flynn, who had a slight Australian accent. He had floppy brown hair, brown eyes, and really tan skin. Ryan had spiky blonde hair, green eyes, and a kind of crooked nose, although I’d never tell him that. He moved here from England when he was twelve. Next was Carter, who had short black hair, grayish-blue eyes, and a few freckles around his nose. Last of all was Nick, who had curly, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. If you looked at him closely, he might seem like a replica of Alex Pettyfer.

They were decent guys, at least when they weren’t interrogating me with random questions. All four of them were football players. I was pretty shocked when they told me Kayden was the team captain before he moved.

“So Jacky. How long have you known Kay?” Ryan asked, taking a swig of champagne from the glass in his hand. “Wait! Let me rephrase that. How long have you been with him?” All the guys wolf-whistled and hollered. Kayden chuckled softly beside me, and I felt my cheeks burn. I opened my mouth to reply, but Kayden cut me off.

“A little over one and a half months.” He answered, proudly.

“Aw come on mate! Let the lady speak!” Flynn scolded, jokingly. The guys follow in a chorus of ‘yeah Kayden’ and ‘be a gentleman’. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I wish I had a video camera with me.

“Shut up, guys!” Kayden retorts, rolling his eyes. Nick laughed beside me, and took a sip of wine.

“Okay.” Nick said. “This one is for the lady!” He winked at me and I blushed. “How did you do it?” he asked.

“Do what?” I inquired, confused.

“Well before Kayden moved, he was a spoiled sport. In other words, he always had a stick up his ass.” The other guys burst out laughing while Kayden glared at them. “So I’m wondering how you got him to turn into a giant teddy bear!” I laughed as the guys waited for my answer.

“Let’s just say….he met his match.” I replied, smirking a bit. The guys all broke into a wave of ‘oh’s’ and ‘you’re so whipped’. I laughed at Kayden’s annoyed expression. 

“Yeah yeah. Go ahead and laugh. When you guys are in my position, I’m going to be the one laughing my ass off.” Kayden grumbled. I giggled and kissed his cheek. His cheeks flushed.

“Aw, is the macho man blushing?” Carter teased in a baby voice. We all laughed when Kayden’s face turned an even darker shade of red.

“Shut up!” He snapped. I couldn’t help but beam at him, seeing his face so flustered.

“One more question.” Carter announced, smirking. “It’s for Kayden.” Everyone leaned in, wanting to know what he was going to ask. “Have you gotten laid?” He asked, pointing his finger at Kayden. I was in the middle of drinking wine when he asked, so I choked and coughed a bit. All eyes turned to me. I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

“I thought we were asking Kayden this question.” I stated.

“We are.” Flynn replied.

“Why is everyone staring at me then?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow. They all just shrugged, snickering, like they knew something I didn’t know.

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