The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 16

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Chapter 16

We heard the booming shouts and applause from the audience, but it all tuned out as soon as our lips met. The butterflies in my stomach exploded into a parade of fireworks, and my knees buckled. This kiss was different. There was so much urgency and passion. It was like we hadn’t seen each other for years! Suddenly, it felt like we were the only ones here. Like we were the last two people in the world. Like nothing but us mattered.

But good things don’t always last.

My point was proved when we were pulled apart by two of Kayden’s friends.

Flynn and Nick.

They both grinned widely at us, and it finally dawned upon me that Kayden and I were making out in front of everyone. My cheeks went up in flames. I glanced around, and found that while most people ignored us and went back to what it was they were doing, others were giving us disapproving looks. It’s not everyday you see two teens making out in the middle of the dance floor during a wedding reception. We didn’t mean for it to turn out that way though.

It just…did.

“Well you two are quite the sucky-faces, aren’t you?” Flynn mused. “Mind making me a tape? Cause’ I’m sure it would’ve gotten more serious if we didn’t pull you apart.”

“They probably would be on the ground right now ripping each others’ clothes off.” Nick added thoughtfully.

“We shouldn’t have broken them up.”

“I know right!”

Kayden groaned in annoyance, running his hand down his face. I glared menacingly at Flynn and Nick, and they smirk back at me. Could they be any more annoying than they are right now? Cause I sure don’t mind giving them a punch in the face if they get any more frustrating. Kayden let out a long sigh.

“Can you guys leave us alone now? I promise we won’t try to eat each others’ faces again.” he said in a rather desperate sounding manner. I looked at Kayden, shocked by his words. He noticed me staring, and grinned at me. Flynn clicked his tongue, trying to act parental like.

“Are you trying to get rid of us?” Nick asked, looking amused. I snickered.

“What part of ‘can you leave us alone’ did you not understand?” I asked, my tone screaming sarcasm. He opened his mouth to answer, but I cut him off. “”Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical.” Kayden chuckled and Nick narrowed his eye at me. I smiled back innocently.

“Are you implying that I’m stupid?” He questioned me with a raised eyebrow.

“No. I’m implying that you don’t have ears. If you did, you’d listen when peopled talked to you.” I answered, matter-of-factly. He laughed and patted Kayden on the shoulder.

“She sure is feisty.” He commented, staring at me.

I opened my mouth to give him a verbal beating when Kayden spoke up.

“That’s why I love her.” He said, smirking at me. “Now leave.”

Nick nodded and walked off. Flynn, on the other hand, stuck out his pinky. Kayden looked at him confused.

“Promise me.” Flynn chimed.

“Promise you what?”

“Promise me there will be no more monkey business between you two.” I laughed, and Flynn sent me a wink. I grinned.

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