The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 12

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“Okay class, open your history books to page 500, and take notes on chapter fifteen.” Mrs. Tanner announces cheerfully.


She tries to sound cheerful.

The whole class groans, and the air is suddenly filled with the sound of books being slammed onto desks, and pages being turned. I slump back in my chair, and put my head in my hands.

“I hate history class.” I mumble, bitterly. Kayden chuckles beside me as he starts the assignment. Over-achiever.

It’s been a month and a half, and we were already in the last week of school. Well, the last week of school for the seniors, that is. Thank God, we got out early. I don’t think I could stand being in this school much longer! Kayden and I decided to miss graduation. Right after school ended, Kayden was taking me his aunt’s wedding. I didn’t want to go at first, but he insisted. In the end, I agreed.

A nervous feeling washed over me. I would be meeting his grandparents, and all his other relatives. Kayden told me they were nice people, but what if they just didn’t like me? They probably had standards, and if they did, I would NOT meet those standards. What if they were hoping for someone prettier, taller, skinnier, richer? What if they wanted to meet my parents? What was I supposed to tell them?!

“Oh my parents are cruel, heartless people who just decided to kick me out so now I’m living with your grandson.”

They would surely freak out if I said that. I sighed in exasperation.

“Jacky, are you okay? You look a little pale…” Kayden asks. I turn my head to face him. Worry clouds his handsome features. I give him a small smile that disappears instantly, when Tiffany spins around in her seat. She flicks her hair, and winks at Kayden. Why can’t she leave him alone?

“You know, you could always dump her and go for a tan girl like me.” She purrs. Bile rises in my throat.


“You’re not tan.” I seethe through gritted teeth. “If you ask me, I’d say you look more like an orange crayon.”

She gasps, her whole face turning bright red. In a flash, she’s digging through her purse, and pulls out a mirror. I smile smugly.

“She looks like a red crayon, now” Kayden whispers in my ear. I laugh, but when Mrs. Tanner looks my way I try to disguise it as a cough. She obviously didn’t believe it.

“Miss Pierski, would you like to share anything with the class?” she questions, sternly. The whole class stares at me, and my cheeks flush.

“N-no…” I answer quietly, looking down at my desk.

“Well then do your work, and stop distracting the people around you.” she orders, before turning her attention back to the book she’s reading.

“Someone’s cranky today.” Kayden chuckles. I glance sideways at him.

“Isn’t she always like that?” I retort. He smiles.

“I honestly haven’t noticed. I don’t really pay attention to her. She’s not my type.”

“Oh?” I say, smirking. “What is your type?”

“I’m my type.” He answers proudly. I roll my eyes.

“You are so full-”

“Pierski, detention!” Mrs. Tanner roars. I stare at her shocked.

“Ha! You got in-”

“You too Richards!”


“Shut your mouths or I’ll make it two detentions!” she warns. We both snap our mouths shut. People around the room give us amused looks. Ha ha, very funny. Mrs. Tanner smiles approvingly.

“Okay class, back to work!”


“That was the longest hour ever!” Kayden complains as we walk out the school doors. “I mean, can you believe her?! She wouldn’t even let me sit by you. She made you sit all the way on the other side of the room!”

“At least we finished all our homework?” I chirp, trying to lighten his mood. He narrows his eyes at me.

“We finished during the first fifteen minutes…” he mutters. I chuckle at his sullen mood, grab his hand, and pull us toward his car.

“It wasn’t that bad.” I say, smiling. “And besides, now you can spend the rest of the day with me.” His lips twitch upwards. He pulls us to an abrupt stop in the middle of the parking lot.

“Kayden, why did we-”

My sentence is cut off, when he crashes his lips to mine. I kiss him back without any hesitation, and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My fingers tangle in his hair. The sky rumbles darkly above us. When we pull away from each other, my wide grin mirrors his own.

“I love you.” he whispers softly. I rest my head on his chest, and he sighs.

“I love you too.” I giggle. Lightning fills the dark sky, similar to the way fireworks do. Slowly, raindrops start to fall. Thunder booms, shaking the ground beneath our feet. I pull Kayden towards the car, but he just pulls me back. “Kayden!” I whine. The rain pelts down on us, drenching us. He tucks a strand of wet hair behind my ear. My cheeks burn, and he chuckles.

“You’re beautiful.” he breathes, smiling. I look down, biting my lip.

“Really?” I mumble, unsure. He tilts my head back up and I look straight into his blue eyes. There is nothing but love and sincerity swimming in them.

“Don’t you ever doubt that.” he murmurs. A smile stretches across my face. I reach my hand up, and brush the blonde strands out of his eyes. He leans down slowly, and stops when our lips are only centimeters apart.

“Jacky, have you ever been kissed in the rain?” he asks, faintly.

“No.” I whisper.

“Good.” he breathes, before pressing his lips against mine, softly.

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