The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 14

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Chapter 14

After having dinner with his family, which consisted of steak, salad, and wine, Kayden and I excused ourselves from the table. Kayden took my hand and led us through the huge mansion.

“What would I do without you?” I ask teasingly. He chuckles and we round a corner. These hallways seemed to go on forever.

“Without me? You’d probably get lost, and never find your way out.” he laughs. “Eventually, you’ll starve, and die of dehydration.”

“It was a rhetorical question, smart ass.” I mutter, pretending to be mad him. We stop at the foot of the stairs and he looks at me with those shining blue eyes of his. Still holding my hand, he gets down on one knee, and pouts. The sides of my mouth twitch, but I try to keep my face neutral.

“Jacky, I am truly sorry for saying that. Will you please forgive me?” He asks, staring up at me. Again, the sides of my mouth twitch, and I feel a smile forming on my face. Kayden notices, and grins widely. “Do I see a smile?” I roll my eyes, and pull him back up to his feet.

“I was never mad in the first place.” I state, as we walk up the winding staircase. He kisses the side of my neck, causing shocks of electricity to flow through me. I shiver involuntarily.

We reach the top of the stairs just in time to see brunette barbie, and Aaron walk out of one of the bedrooms. When she see’s us, she pins Aaron to the wall, and starts eating away at his face. I grimace at the scene. Kayden shakes his head, and leads us toward our bedroom. Once inside, he closes the door, and locks it.

“She’s trying to make you jealous.” I mumble with no emotion in my voice. He obviously notices the tone, because he pulls me into a hug, and kisses my forehead.

“Don’t you dare think that I’ll leave you for her.” He says, his tone serious. “I’ll never leave you. I love you.” I just nod my head in response. He sighs. “I’ll love you forever.”

I smile, and look up at him. “Promise?”

“I promise.” He says, leaning down, and kissing my lips softly. “Now go to bed. We have to wake up early since the wedding is tomorrow.”

“Do we really have to wake up early?” I whine. He laughs, and kisses the tip of my nose.

“You bet.” he replies, before walking toward the door. I instantly start to panic.

“Wait! Where are you going?” 

He turns around and chuckles.

“I need a glass of water.” he says, smiling. He winks at me, making my heart skip a beat, and then walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sigh, and slap my forehead.

“Great. Now you’re acting all clingy. He probably thinks you can’t spend one minute without him now. Nice job, Jacky, nice job.” I mutter to myself, spinning around. I look around the room. It’s normal sized, with cream colored walls. There is a kind sized bed in the middle with white comforters. On each side of the bed is a side-table with a modern-style lamp. There are two walk in closets, and the door across the bed leads into the bathroom. A big screen TV hangs on the wall. Holy cow, these people are rich!

Laughing silently to myself, I walk over to my suitcase, which is seated at the foot of the bed, and rummage through it. I pick out a white tank top, and black pajama shorts, and quickly change clothes. Just as I pull the tank top over my head, I head the bedroom door open. I hear an exasperated sigh, and I glance over to see Kayden standing there. He runs his hand through his blonde curls, looking quite annoyed.

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