The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch. 8

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Chapter 8!!!

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I'm all alone...

Darkness swirls around me.

'Open your eyes.' a distant voice whispers.

I try, but my eyes feel as if they are glued shut. I can't.

'Try again.'

My eyelids feel so heavy like a ton of bricks are keeping them down.

'You need to keep trying. He needs you.'

He? Who's he?

'Keep trying. Don't give up.'

I try opening my eyes again. Slowly, they open to a bright white light. I squint, trying to clear my vision. After a few minutes, the brightness seems to recede. Once my eyes adjust, I gaze at my surroundings.

The room is square-shaped; all four walls are white. There is a small table to my right, and a big window, giving me a view of the night sky.


The heart monitor catches my attention. Wait..where am I?

'The hospital, idiot. Where else would a heart monitor be?'

A light snore interrrupts the silence of the room. I turn my head and wince at the slight pain in my neck. Kayden is slumped in the chair beside my bed, asleep. His hand clutches mine for dear life.

What the hell happened?!

A nurse, about 5'9 and probably in her fifties walks into the room. Her brown hair is tied up in a bun just like the waitress at IHOP. SHe wears a white nurses' uniform. Her eyes look tired, with dark circles around them. Her name tag says 'Kathy'.

She notices me and smiles kindly.

"You finally woke up." she says softly. I nod my head.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Your boyfriend here," she gestures to Kayden, "brought you here three days ago. You had a mild concussion and a really bad fever."

"I was unconcious for three days?"

She nods her head. "Your boyfriend hasn't left this room since he brought you here. We practically had to force him to eat or drink something. He really cares about you."

I blush and her smile broadens. I look at Kayden's peaceful face.

"It must be really uncomfortable sleeping in that chair." I mumble. Kathy laughs.

"The doctor told him to go home, saying that you were going to be fine, but he's just so stubborn." she chuckles.

I smile at the thought of Kayden arguing with the doctor, acting like a kid.

"So do you need anything?" Kathy asks.

"No, thank you. I'm okay."

She gives me one last cheerful smile before leaving the room. Kayden stirs, grumbling a few incoherent words like pizza, cookies, robots, elmo. A small giggle escapes my lips. His eyes snap open, looking for the source of the sound. I burst into a fit of giggles, staring at his confused expression. His eyes land on me and he grins ear to ear.

"Jacky!" he screams in a high-pitched voice, enveloping me in a hug. Well, more like a death grip.

"Kayden...can't breathe." I let out. He instantly lets go of me.

"I'm so so so sorry, Jacky. I'm sorry, I'm so-"

"Kayden, I'm fine!" I snicker. "It's not like I was hit by a car or anything!"

He lets out a small laugh.

"I was worried." he explains.

"I know. The nurse told me everything. Kayden, why would you do that to yourself?"

He gives me a sympathetic look.

"I just...I couldn't leave you. You were unconcious. Somebody could have easily taken advantage of you."

"This is a hospital."

"Yeah, when did you figure that out?" he snickers sarcastically.

I roll my eyes."You are such a two year old."

"But that's what you like about me." he teases.


"Not my good looks?"

"Nope." I shake my head.

His face falls and he pouts.

"Your looks are just a bonus." I add.

He smirks and leans in to give me a kiss. Someone clears their throat making him jump away. The doctor steps into the room, and gives Kayden a dissaproving look.

"I would really appreciate it if you didn't harass my patients." He scolds with a serious face, although I could see he was trying to hide a smile.He looks to be in his mid-sixties, with graying hair, and thick glasses.

Kayden's mouth drops open, and I cover my mouth to keep from laughing hysterically.

The doctor proceeds with asking me a bunch of questions, and I answer all of them truthfully. He tells me I can go home if I wanted to. Before he leaves to room, he turns back to Kayden, who still has his mouth open from shock. The doctor points his finger at him.

"No harassing." he orders, unable to keep a small smile off his face. He looks at me. "If he causes anymore trouble, get a restraining order. Otherwise, have a good day." I smile at him and he walks out.

Once I'm sure he's out of ear shot, I start laughing maniacally."Better close your mouth before flies get in there." I laugh.

Kayden crosses his arms over his chest and pouts.

"It's not funny!" he whines. I continue my laughing fit until my stomach screams in protest. I am so going to get that doctor a present for Christmas. I breathe a sigh of relief and comfort.

"That was so hilarious." I state after a few minutes of silence. Kayden shoots me an annoyed look.

"Shut up." he mutters.

"Awwww, did I hwurt your fweelwings?" I say in a baby voice.

"Yes. You did."

"Well, suck it up cause' your not getting an apology!"

His mouth twitches upwards.

"You could give me a kiss to make me feel better." he suggests.

"hmmmm...." I put my finger to my chin pretending think about it.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" he complains.

"Okay." I giggle. He smirks and again leans forward. Our lips are about to touch...




"HARASSMENT!" Someone shouts outside the door, making us bump our heads together.

"Ow!" I groan rubbing my forehead. Kayden chuckles and leans down to my ear.

"Let's get out of here." He whispers.

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