The Guy Who Almost Hit My Car Ch.17

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She looked at the ground and dragged in a hoarse breath of air.

I waited. I waited for what felt like hours.

She finally looked up at me, with broken eyes.

“Kayden was in an accident.” She whispered.

My heart stopped beating altogether. 

Chapter 17

“W-what?” I said in a barely audible whisper. This had to be a dream. A really bad dream. I pinched myself, hoping I’d wake up. No such thing happened.

“He was hit by a drunk driver…” Cheryl murmured softly.

Everything after that passed by in a blur.

I remembered us driving to the hospital, Cheryl trying to soothe me as I cried silently. But nothing she said was registering in my head. All I could think about was Kayden. My mind went through every moment we shared together. The day we met. The day we kissed. The day he took me to the beach.

The day he told me he loved me…

I wouldn’t be able to survive a day without him. I needed him more than anything else in the world. If he died, my life would return to a living hell. He was my lifeline. He was the one who made me smile and laugh.

He made me happy.

He made me feel whole.

What would I do without him?

Just thinking about it, had me fearing for his life.

So for the first time ever, I prayed. I prayed for Kayden. I wished for him to live through this. I didn’t care if he wasn’t able to walk anymore. I didn’t care if he lost his sight or hearing. I just wanted him to be alive.

Now, we were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for any news about him. When we first arrived, the doctor had told us that he was in critical condition. I asked him if Kayden was going to live.

“I don’t know.” Was his reply.

I lost my sanity at that moment. I screamed at him, demanding for a yes or no. The commotion caused many heads to turn, and I’m guessing he didn’t like the attention. 

“Miss, please calm down.” He had said.

But I refused to calm down. I continued to scream and yell curses at him. I screamed until my heart gave out. Then I collapsed onto the tile floor and cried my heart out. I cried and cried, letting all my emotions get the best of me. Kayden’s grandparents watched me, their eyes filled with pity, as they silently worried about their grandson. Each sob made my body shake uncontrollably. Other people in the waiting room didn’t spare me a glance. I didn’t expect them to. To them, I was just some girl who was told bad news. It happened all the time in the hospital.

I wept and sobbed, shedding thousands of tears. My throat burned, and my eyes grew sore, but I didn’t stop. When I no longer had any tears to shed, I just sat there on the cold floor. My knees to my chest. My head down. My puffy red eyes closed.

I felt useless.


I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t drink. I couldn’t sleep.

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