The Trials of Xadia

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"Callum you're such an idiot," Callum yells at himself. "Why would you take this route again?"

He runs and hides behind a boulder for cover. The ground rumbles and a huge roar comes from the other side.

"Foolish human! You dare come back here," the blind dragon boomed as he spoke.

Callum covered his head as rocks started to fall. Think Callum, think! He thought as he looked around for a solution. He will most likely not fall for the arch trick again. Maybe he could use his scarf again to trick the dragon's smell. He looked above the blind dragon and found a pile of large rocks close to the end of a ledge. Then the idea hit him.

"Come out now," Sol Regem shouted, breaking the silence.

Callum changed his position, and hid behind another rock. Then he took off his scarf and put his idea into play.

"Aspiro!" He said as he drew the rune in the air.

He let go of the scarf and blew it past Sol Regem. The angry dragon took the bait once again as he followed the scarf, sniffing aggressively. Callum blew until he ran out of air, but this set the dragon in the perfect position for the next step.

Then Callum drew the next rune and shouted, "Fulminus!" He aimed, and shot the lightning spell at the pile of rocks on the ledge.

Just as Callum predicted, the rocks tumbled down. Before Sol Regem could turn around he was crushed by an avalanche which knocked him out. Callum threw his hands in the air with a huge smile on his face.

"YEAH! Take that! You are no match for my Zap hands!"

Callum walked over and grabbed his scarf, but the dragon started to growl. Callum's heart stopped. Sol Regem reared his head and roared.

I think it's time I made my exit, he thought as he started running. Good thing the blind dragon was slowed by the rocks still on him. Callum sure called this day a big victory.


He walked for about 2 hours before taking a break. It's amazing being back in Xadia again, even if not everything that lives here likes him. He noticed a little glow in his backpack when he came close to plants. He decided to bring the cube along to see if he can figure out the great power it unlocks in Xadia.

His step dad told him that in the letter he gave him. Callum still misses him a lot. He was the only father he ever knew and now he's gone too. Callum knows that Harrow would be proud of him for everything he has learned and done.

Callum sets down his pack to take a break. He has been doing great on time and hopes he can catch up to Rayla soon. He guessed that she is about a day ahead of him because she is a bit faster. He hopes that she is safe and that he can get to her in time.

"Why are you wasting your time chasing her?" The voice appeared once again. Callum shook his head trying to ignore the lies, but it kept going.

"If she really loved you, she would have brought you with her. She thinks you're not good enough." The voice chuckled to itself.

"No, you're wrong! Stop telling me these lies," Callum yelled at the voice.

Then it stopped, but Callum fears this won't be the last he hears from it. It's not true, Rayla still loves me, right?

He understands why Rayla left, but she still hurt him a lot. Now that she is gone, she can be in big trouble. He must focus on finding her, before it's too late.


At day break, Callum resumed his search. He looked around at his surroundings. He was in a vast forest with very tall trees. The plants in this part of Xadia were different from the ones Rayla showed him before.

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