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Small rays of sunlight pierced into Rayla's cell. She sat against the cold wall with her head in the clouds. She didn't get much sleep last night since her mind was swirling with thoughts.

Callum probably doesn't even know I'm here, and if he did he wouldn't want to see me. How could he forgive me for what I did to him? I bet he hates me.

She turned her head to see Evelyn across from her, sleeping on the ground. She heard small whispers last night and thought it was Evelyn, but it was hard to see then. She leaned her head back against the wall. Her eyes started to burn as tears fell on her cheeks.



Callum lays low while watching the human camp over a hill. It was getting lighter outside so they all needed to stay out of site. Callum had a good plan about to be put into play and he hoped it would work.

In a few minutes Ash came to Callum's position. "Everyone is in their places," he whispers to him. Callum nods.

"Just wait for the signal," Callum says.

A few moonshadow elves hop over the fence near the entrance and ambush five human guards. They drag their bodies over to cover and give Callum the thumbs up.

"Ok now," Callum whispers as he, Ash, and a few elves sneak up to the front entrance.

Ash lunged at one and took him out in a second. The other elves did the same to two other guards. Callum nodded at them and signaled them to follow.

They snuck into the entrance unseen by guards nearby and met up with the other elves under cover. Callum turns to one of the other elves.

"What did you find," Callum asks.

"When scoping the area, we found the main guard tent, their leader's tent, and a building that looks like a prison to me," one of the elves said.

"Ok, me and Ash will go to the building while you and the others get ready. Don't attack, until my signal."

The elves nodded to Callum. Him and Ash snuck around until they came to the building. There was a guard standing out front. Ash came in from above and took him out. He dragged his body inside and took the keys from him.

"Great let's go," Callum whispers.

"Wait," Ash says while placing a hand on Callum's shoulder. Callum stopped and faced him. "You go in and I'll stand watch. She needs you right now Callum," he said while smiling.

Callum nodded. "Thank you, Ash," he said before walking down the hall.



Rayla snapped awake by the sound of footsteps down the hall. She sat up and looked over at Evelyn who was also awake. Evelyn went up to the cage bars to see who it was. Rayla signaled her to back up, but then she heard a familiar voice.

"Evelyn! There you are!"

Callum appeared and went up to her cell. He immediately pulled keys out of his pocket. Rayla froze where she sat. She couldn't believe her eyes. He looked so different, was this the same Callum she knew? He used one of the keys and unlocked Evelyn's cell. When it opened she gave Callum a hug.

"Took you long enough," Evelyn said to him while breaking apart.

Evelyn looked at Rayla for a moment and Callum followed her gaze. As soon as Callum locked eyes with Rayla her heart leaped from her chest. Rayla quickly looked away from him. He just came here for Evelyn. He doesn't need me.

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