A Cruel Punishment

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Callum stared down at his feet while walking. He felt a shove behind him.

"Keep moving!" An elf spoke.

Callum's hands were tied and the Earthblood elves were leading him through the woods. Nova was with them too but she was farther behind with some other elves.

Callum learned quickly that these are the same elves that were shooting at him from the trees a while ago. Some of them were giving him dirty looks while they walked. Callum just kept to himself.

They led him into a part of the forest that was less dense and there were wooden huts around the area. There were elves standing right outside some of the huts, staring at Callum, and whispering to each other. Don't worry Callum, you're just dreaming. This is not really happening.

Soon they stopped in front of a large cave entrance and there were candles all around, lighting up the cave. In the back of the cave there was a big throne with an older elf sitting on it.

He wore a golden crown on his head and had a long green robe. There were a few guards around the throne for protection.

The king eyed Callum as they brought him closer. Yeah, this is all a dream. They pushed him down to his knees when he was just a few feet from the king. Callum looked down, afraid to make eye contact.

"So, you're the human I have heard so much about," the king spoke with a loud voice. "I am King Liam, of the Earth Blood elves. I have heard that you are the reason that dam came down, and destroyed our farm fields!" He was yelling now with anger.

Callum squeezed his eyes shut as the king spoke. Destroying that dam was kind of Callum's fault, but it was the only way to escape the crazy elves!

"I usually am a merciful king, but what you did was truly unacceptable. Your punishment will be-" he was cut off by a little, familiar, girl running into the throne room.

"Father, wait!" Nova called out as she ran up to him. "This human is good, he saved my life from the ditch trap."

"Oh Nova, I told you to stay away from the traps we set up for the humans. You should have stayed closer to home," he said while looking at her.

Humans? He must not like the colonies at all. Then he turned to the guards next to Callum.

"I told you to keep an eye on my daughter and you allowed her to wander from your sight!" Callum saw the guards looking down and they started sweating. The king sighed and looked back at Callum.

"I swear, I'm surrounded by idiots. Anyway, what is your name?" He asked with a softer tone. Callum finally looked up at the king.

"My name is Callum," he said.

"Callum, I'm going to offer you a deal," the king began. "Since you saved my daughter, I will let you live." Callum let out a sigh of relief. "But, you need to stay here and rebuild our dam," the king finished with a smile.

Callum hid a look of disappointment. I can't stay here! I already have a mission.

"If you refuse this offer, you will be sentenced to death. Your choice," the king threatened as he stared at Callum. Then Callum nodded, as he saw there was no better option.

"You will need guidance on how to build it. So I will task my oldest daughter, Evelyn, to help you," the king continued.

Callum remembered when Nova mentioned her name. Hopefully with her help, he can get out of here faster.

"The guards will escort you to the dam. You will wait for Evelyn there, and don't try to escape. The forest has eyes," he says with a grin. "Good luck, Callum, I look forward to speaking with you again soon."

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