Secrets and Decisions

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Ash guided Rayla through the maze of buildings. When he passed by, most people would bow to him and others would smile and wave. Rayla never got this kind of treatment back at her home.

"So why were they all bowing to you?" She asked when they were away from the crowd. Ash looked and smiled at her.

"I thought you would have figured it out. I'm more like...a prince around here," he said trying to choose his words. "My father took charge when we came so we could have a better life here. He lives up there," Ash said while pointing at the tall building in the center of this place.

"That's where I live too," he finished. Rayla looked up at his house.

"So why did our people really separate?" She asked him. Ash's face turned sad and he looked down.

"Well, even though our people had the same traditions and culture, there was one thing that my people were missing that they needed. That was to be free." Ash said to her.

Rayla knows how tough the high council is in her home. Ash's people we're just sick of the rules, so they needed to leave.

"When they made my father the leader, he promised to lead with more freedom and happiness in his heart. I love him for that," Ash said proudly while looking up at his home.

Rayla only met his dad once or twice when she was very young. She can't remember him very well.

"You seem very happy here Ash," she said to him. He smiled at her and then took her hand all of a sudden.

"Come on, I want to show you something before we go see my father," she said. Rayla followed him.

He led her to a few shops in one part of the village. He brought her inside of one. It smelled delicious and there were many cakes and desserts on the counters.

"What is this place?" She asked while looking at all the sweet treats in front of her.

"It's the best bakery in all of Xadia! Well in my opinion," he said smiling. Rayla skimmed through the cakes and one in particular caught her eye.

"No way, is this a moonberry surprise?"

"Only the best! We might have taken the recipe from the Silver grove before we left. Do you want one?"

Rayla didn't have any money on her, and she didn't want to be rude. Ash must have known that she didn't because he decided to buy one for her anyway.


When they were done eating, Ash took her to a new shop. It was filled with many unique things. She looked around a bit and something caught her eye. It was a long silver necklace with a small Crescent moon hanging from it. She thought it looked beautiful, but it must have cost a lot. So she hung it back up.

When they came out of the shop, Ash finally took her to his home. When they walked in they were greeted by guards who welcomed Ash home. Ash took off his sword and set it on a table by the door.

"I can't have weapons in the house," he said to her. Rayla respected that and also put her blades down.

They went up a grand staircase with shiny, silver railings. At the top there were a few rooms, and one had a large door with unique patterns and symbols on it. Rayla noticed the full moon symbol again.

"What does that mean?" She asked while pointing to it. Ash looks at it closely.

"It's a symbol of bravery. Many of the guards have this symbol somewhere on their armor," he told her.

Rayla smiled, while remembering her memory of her mom. She gave her the symbol to wear on her belt. She wanted Rayla to grow up brave and strong like her.

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