One Step too Far

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Rayla has been enjoying herself while in Ash's home. It reminds her so much of the Silver Grove, but with more freedom.

Somedays, she and Ash would set up more defenses because the bad elves would come and attack. It has become more frequent. King Azad decided to send men to attack the other tribe not long ago and Ash would go with them. Rayla could see a war coming and she didn't like it.

Rayla wanted to stay and protect Ash's home, but she needed to continue her main mission soon. She has stayed here longer than she hoped.

Ash was gone for a few days with some troops and only he and 2 others came back. Ash had a few scratches but nothing serious.

It has become harder for Rayla to keep her secrets hidden from Ash. When her mind would trail off, Ash would ask if she was okay. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and Rayla knows this.


That night she lay awake on her bed. She could not sleep with so much on her mind.

What will I do once I find Viren? Did Callum follow me out here? What if Viren got to Callum first? I need to leave this place and do something, but what would I tell Ash? I should just tell him the truth. What would he think of me though?

Her mind was racing with thoughts, until he couldn't take it. She needed to clear her mind somehow. She slipped out of bed and changed into her regular clothes to keep warm. She grabbed her blades, opened her bedroom door and tiptoed in the hall. When she made it outside she walked through the village and into the forest.

She walked for a while in the dark. It was a cool night and a little chilly. The moon was full and bright. The light of it glistened through the trees and onto the forest floor. There was beautiful moon lilies sprouting in every inch of the forest. She walked until she found a cliff looking over a valley below. She sat on the ledge and stared at the moon that was shining down on her.

I miss you Callum, she thought. I wish you were here and I hope you're safe. Her thoughts were interrupted by a rustle in the bushes behind her. She spun around and was about to jump to her feet when she saw Ash appear from the brush.

He smiled at her as he approached. He ended up changing into his regular clothes too and he must have followed her here.

He sat next to her on the ledge and they sat in silence for a bit. "The moon is so pretty tonight," he began.

"Yeah it is," Rayla said with a sad tone in her voice.

She turned to look at Ash and he was staring at her, trying to figure her out. He turned and pulled something out of his pocket.

"Here, I got this for you."

She opened her hands and he gave it to her. In the palm of her hand was the same silver, crescent necklace that she saw in the store at his village. She smiled while looking at it.

"I saw you looking at it before, so I thought you...might like it," he stuttered a bit. She placed her hand on his and looked at him.

"It's perfect, thank you," she said while smiling at him.

She then puts the necklace around her neck. It fits perfectly, she thought. She then continued to stare at the moon.

"You sure you're ok," he asks her again. She closed her eyes for a minute and took a deep breath. You can't hide forever.

"I..never had a secret mission. A few weeks ago I found out I was banished from my home. I failed a mission and they ghosted me," she tells him. Tears started filling her eyes while she looked away.

"Why didn't you just tell me," he asks. He tries to look her in the eye but she wouldn't.

"I thought you would think less of me. Just like everyone else in my village does."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she closed her eyes. He moved closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you kidding? Rayla you're the greatest person I've ever met! You're talented, strong, and brave."

She finally looks up at him and smiles. She feels him taking her hand. He hesitates before leaning in closer to her. She didn't lean away from him, and just stared into his eyes. He cups her face with his free hand and he closes his eyes. She feels the press of his warm lips on hers, as her eyes are closed.

A second later she quickly pulls away from him. His eyes flick open and he gives her a confused look.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't," she says. "I'm sorry." She jumps to her feet and takes off running through the dark woods.

She just kept going and wouldn't stop while thoughts raced through her head.

Why would you kiss him? Why are you so stupid! I can't stay here any longer!

Her mind trailed to Callum. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She missed him so much, and tonight Ash reminded her so much of him. Even his kiss did...but why would you kiss him, Rayla? She started beating herself up for her actions, when she suddenly heard a loud snap.

She stopped quickly and her ears twitched. Before she could pull out her blades a large net came out of nowhere and pinned her down to the ground. Two figures came from the darkness, but Rayla couldn't make them out.

"We finally have her, the boss will be pleased," one of them says. "Careful she can be strong under the full moon. Knock her out." Before Rayla could react she was smacked in the head and everything went black.

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