Strong Together

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It took a few hours but Callum and Ash were getting close. They were in between both of the tribe's borders and heading towards the Moonshadow elves.

There was a little rustle in the trees. Ash stopped. Callum looked around.

"What's wrong," Callum asked. Ash quickly turned to Callum.

"LOOK OUT," he yelled.

Two elves came from the trees and tackled Callum to the ground. What is it with elves ambushing from trees? Callum struggled to escape their grasp. A taller elf dropped to the ground and he wore a large silver crown on his head. He walked over to Ash with an angry face.

"Where have you been, and how dare you lead a human this close to our home," he yelled at Ash.

Many elves emerged from the bushes and trees around the area. Why are there so many moonshadow elves here? We are not even at their border yet.

"Dad, look I can explain," Ash started but he was cut off.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't King Azad," a voice said from the darkness of the forest.

All the Moonshadow elves got in position and faced the voice, including Ash. A familiar Earthblood Elf came through the trees with many elves behind him.

"If it isn't King Liam. It's been a long time," King Azad said.

The Earthblood Elves stand in a ready stance while facing the Moonshadow elves. The kings were up front and just a few feet from each other. Callum was still being held down by two elves.

"I don't have time for your games Azad, where is she? Where are you keeping my daughter," King Liam snapped. Callum looked up in shock. He doesn't know the humans took her.

"We don't have your precious daughter, but I know you have Rayla captive. Give her back now or you will regret it," King Azad hissed.

"Is that a threat I hear? I wouldn't get too cocky just yet," King Liam spat. Callum had enough of this.

"Manus, Pluma, Valantus," Callum yelled as wings started sprouting on his arms.

He ripped his blue jacket once again but he didn't care. The two elves on top of him tumbled back, freeing him. Callum stood up while spreading his wings. Every elf looked his way in shock, even Ash.

The two kings also looked his way. Callum knew this was his chance to speak. "Listen I know you are all upset, but you are not each other's enemies! The real enemy is out there!" The kings frowned at him but kept listening.

"I know Evelyn and Rayla, and they have been captured by the humans. Me and Ash found their camp and saw hundreds of them." King Azad turned to Ash while surprised.

"Is this true Ash," he asked. Ash hesitated before stepping forward towards the kings.

"Yes, it is. Now I see that the only way to stop them is if the tribes unite and fight against the humans," Ash spoke out. The other elves gasped and started whispering to each other.

"How do we know we can trust these elves," an Earthblood elf yelled from the crowd.

"Who does this winged, human think he is? I say we kill him," a moonshadow elf yelled. The elves started moving toward each other. King Liam held up his hand.

"Wait, stand down soldiers! I want to hear what Callum has to say," Liam said. The Earthblood elves lower their weapons. Ash ran up to his father and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Please dad, listen to Callum. He may be a human but you can trust him," Ash reassured him. King Azad frowns at Ash.

"What's so special about this human," he asks.

Ash looks at Callum, who now has his arms back to normal. After his jacket ripped, he picked up his scarf and put it back on.

"Now at first I didn't trust Callum either. I also thought he was a part of the human camp. But he has proven to me that he has the confidence and bravery of a true warrior," Ash explains. He walks over and stands by Callum's side. "So please hear him out," Ash said confidently while looking at his father.

His father sighed but then nodded. The Moonshadow elves all stood down. All eyes fixed on Callum.

Callum took a deep breath before speaking. "I know what you are all thinking. It might seem hard to trust me because I'm a human, or it might seem hard to trust each other because you're different. For a long time I have been told that elves were evil and bloodthirsty. But then I met a Moonshadow elf named Rayla," Callum said. King Azad's ears perked up. King Liam seemed intrigued.

"At first it was hard for me to trust her. But she showed such bravery and courage. She also showed me compassion and sympathy when I needed it. All the stories I have heard about elves were wrong." Ash smiled at him and Callum continued.

"A few months ago I met an Earthblood elf named Evelyn. She showed me kindness and happiness. She taught me about the connection of the forest. I am very lucky to have a friend like her." King Liam smiled at Callum while nodding.

"When you get older, you have to face things you're not ready for, and I was not prepared to become friends with elves. But now I'm glad I took that step forward. So what I'm trying to say is I want you to set aside your differences and come together, to break the cycle. We can be strong like the connection of the forest. We can be strong together, united, as one," Callum finishes.

King Azad steps forward to Callum. "You have powerful words, Callum. I admire your courage and I would be honored to join you." Ash smiles at his father. Callum nods to him. King Liam also steps forward.

"You have proven to be valuable to me and my people, I will stand by you as well," King Liam says. Ash puts his hand on Callum's shoulder.

"So, what do we do," he asks. Other Moonshadow and Earthblood elves crowd around. Callum smiles at Ash and the two kings. Callum is so relieved that the tribes are finally coming together. Now he has a bigger chance to save Evelyn, and to save Rayla. Callum took a deep breath once more before speaking.

"Here's the plan."

Authors note:
Hope you all enjoyed! Please leave a vote and a comment. Make sure to keep a look out for the chapters tomorrow, the battle is about to go down!

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