An Old Friend

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Light pierced her face as she tried to open her eyes. The sun was rising and little rays of light were poking through the trees.

Still half awake, she felt her hands were bound and behind her. She squinted, making out a few figures in front of her.

"Hey, she's awake," one of the voices spoke as they turned to look at her.

Rayla could now see that there were three Moonshadow elves in front of her. They were taller than her and they looked a lot stronger. Two of them had long silver swords and the third had a neatly crafted bow with a long arrow in it.

"Should we knock her out again," One of them asked, looking at the other. The one with a bow looked directly at Rayla now.

"We should wait for the boss to give us orders, for now keep her under control," he said as he gripped his bow tightly.

Rayla's head was throbbing because of last night, and her stomach had a bit of pain too. She glared at the three elves and she finally spoke.

"What do you want with me?"

"Oh look, she can speak," one of the elves with the long sword said. He walked over to Rayla and smacked her with his hand. "Don't speak, unless spoken to!"

Rayla looked up and gave him a nasty look before he went back to his position. By their feet were the masks she saw them wear.

She needed to get out of here. These elves don't seem too friendly with her. She looked around and spotted her blades a few feet from her. She starts squirming around, trying to break free from the rope that held her hands.

"Here he comes," one of the elves suddenly said.

They all stood up straight and stared into the trees in front of them. Rayla also looked up to see who was coming.

A tall muscular elf emerged from the trees. He wore a light weight silver chest plate, with shoulder pads. His hair was long and white, with two brown horns. He also had brown thick gloves that were up to his elbows, and in his hand was a long, curved blade that glistened in the light.

He gripped the leather handle of it as he approached. Rayla glared at him as he came closer.

"We found her in the woods last night, Sir. We think she is from the Silver Grove village," the elf with a bow said to their so-called 'boss' when he was next to them.

The new elf knelt down to meet where Rayla sat. She stopped struggling from the binding and just gave the elf a cold stare. He looked at her for a bit as if studying her.

"What is your name, Miss?" He asked her in a more polite way. Rayla just frowned at him.

"Why should I tell you anything? Your men ambushed me in the woods and tied me up against my will," she hissed.

"All I'm asking for is your name," he said more sternly.

"Rayla," she said quickly while still glaring at him.

He leaned back a bit, looking surprised. His face changed and he gave a little smile. Then he looked down and chuckled to himself.

"It's been a long time, Rayla, it's good to see you haven't changed," he says. Now Rayla was confused at first, then it hit her.

"Ash?" She said with surprise.

"It's good to see you, Little Blade," he said with a bigger smile.

She remembers when he used to call her that. "I told you enough with the nicknames!" Rayla said now smiling.

Ash shook his head and went behind her to free her from her binding. When she stood up he was about 4 inches taller than her. It was a lot different from when they were kids. They were about the same height back then. It was tough for her when they got separated, she hated losing her best friend.

"Stand down and go back to your positions, Rayla is now officially my guest," he said while smiling at Rayla.

The guards nodded and walked into the forest where Ash came in. Rayla kelt over to pick up her blades, before facing Ash again.

"So, why are you out here, and alone? Shouldn't you be in the silver grove with your family," He asked curiously.

Rayla put her blades away and looked away for a moment. She didn't want to pour her problems on Ash and make him think little of her. Stay strong Rayla, don't show weakness.

"They sent me on a side mission into Xadia. It' secret," she stuttered. Ash looked impressed with her.

"Well, that seems pretty important, but it would be awfully rude of me to leave my guest alone. So may I take you on a grand tour of my home?" He asked her, holding out his hand.

He sure has become more of a gentleman over the years, Rayla thought to herself. She then reached out and took his hand.

"Lead the way," she said.


She used to live in the Silver Grove with Ash when they were young, but their people were divided by many disagreements. It was about a year before Rayla's parents left; when half of their people left...and so did Ash. It felt good to have him back.

He led her through the dense, pretty woods. He said they call it The Crescent Woods. All of the trees stood tall and close together, which made it hard for the sun to come through.

Ash pointed out a plant that prefers shade over sunlight.

"This is a moon lily, it's one of the only flowers that thrive in the forest," he said to Rayla.

She bent down to get a closer look. It was a beautiful white lily that looked very healthy, but it was closed and had not bloomed yet.

"We found out that they only bloom under a crescent moon. Pretty cool right?"

"Yeah, I have heard about these before. They have special healing properties," Rayla told Ash. He nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, I would like you to see someone," he said to her just before walking.

His touch reminded her of Callum, and how he would always do that. It was his way of showing her that he was there for her and that he wanted to help. She feels that she has taken him for granted by leaving, and when she sees him again, she wants to make things right.

"Hey, you coming?" Ash asked her.

This snapped her out of thought and she realized she was standing in one place. He gave her a confused and concerned look.

"Right behind you," she said while walking towards him.

He then led her into a clearing, where sunlight flooded on Rayla's face. This place must have been in the middle of the forest because there were trees surrounding the area. There were many shiny, silver buildings scattered across the open land, and in the middle there was a large, tall building overlooking everything.

"Welcome to my home," Ash said.

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