Can't let you go

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Callum opened his eyes but he didn't know what he was looking at. He was in a bright place with fog everywhere. It was hard to see a few feet in front of him.

"Hello?" No answer. He started walking forward to see if he could find anything.

"Hello Callum," a loud and mysterious voice called. Callum spun around trying to look for it.

"H-how do you know my name," he asks.

"I know many things, but you must listen very closely. The world is in grave danger. Dark forces are taking over," the voice said to him. "You are the only one who can stop this madness, Callum." He has a confused look. The voice sounded like a woman's voice, but he didn't recognize it.

"But why me," he asked.

"The Prophecy has stated that one day a human with an arcanum will rise against the darkness of this world and restore peace. Your destiny has only begun, Callum." He was shocked to hear this. Callum thought for a moment.

"What am I supposed to do," he asked.

"Come to me, Callum, and your true destiny shall be revealed. The world rests in your hands," the voice said. The ground under Callum turned black and he fell through a void.

He saw a bright light in the dark. When he came close he saw the same crystal from his last dream. He tries to reach out and touch it, but a force pulls him away from it. "You can't do it," a voice calls. "You are not strong enough." He hears whispers all around him. He tries to fight back and reaches for the crystal, but he is pulled away into darkness.


Callum gasped for air as he sprung awake.

"CALLUM," Rayla shouted as she gave him a big hug. Callum was still catching his breath but he returned the hug while smiling.

"I'm so glad you're ok," she said in between sobs. He was very happy Rayla was here with him, but he was confused about what was going on.

"Where are we," he asked. Rayla hesitated.

"I'll explain to you later," she told him. "I want to be happy that my boyfriend isn't dead." Callum gave her a shocked look.

"Boyfriend huh? First time you have really called me that," he said with a grin. She looked away and blushed a bit. "That means we can move to the nickname stage! I'll call you honey-" he tried to say before she punched him in the arm.

"You think you're so funny, don't you," she asked while rolling her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. Then Callum gave her a more serious look.

"There is something I need you to know," Callum said to her while looking in her eyes.

"A few years ago my step dad told me something that has always stuck with me. He said that when I find the right girl I should never let her go." Rayla gave him a loving smile.

"When I met this girl, I finally understood what my step dad told me. Now I know that my job is to protect her, love her, and comfort her when she needs it," Callum said, smiling now.

"Now I know, that I must never let you go, Rayla."

She took his hand and tears started coming down her cheeks. He then placed his other hand on her cheek and passionately kissed her lips. When they broke apart, Callum used his thumb to wipe away her tears. She then gave him a sad look.

"I'm sorry," she said. He gave her a little smile.

"Stop being sorry, I already forgave you Rayla. I know that what you needed to do was important," Callum reassured her.

"But I shouldn't have left you like that," she said while looking away from him. He used his hand to move her chin, so they were face to face again.

"I have you now, that's all that matters to me," he says to her. She smiles at him, but then thinks for a moment.

"But, there's something else I need to tell you," Rayla began. She took a deep breath before talking. "Something happened between me and Ash before the humans came. You see I-"

"You kissed him," Callum finished her sentence. Rayla looked up at him with a shocked look. He took both of her hands in his.

"I didn't expect this relationship to be easy. We are both trying to figure it out as we go, but the most important thing is that we must support each other through it all. Now, I don't expect you to be perfect, Rayla. I know I'm not perfect either," he says. "But when I look past your mistakes and insecurities, I see beauty, bravery, strength, kindness, compassion. These are the real reasons why I'm here for you, because you are worthy. You are worth it to me," he smiles at her. "I love you, Rayla."

Once he finishes she leans in and kisses him. When she pulls back she smiles affectionately.

"I love you too, Callum," she says.

Soon, they both walk out of the dark cave together, hand in hand. Callum will treasure this moment always. He realizes that he has a huge task ahead of him, but as long as he has Rayla by his side everything will be ok. So he decides to look on the bright side of things, the side of love and hope.



The sudden gust of light faded away and she found herself on the ground, surrounded by grass.

"Did it need to be such a hard landing," she asked her dad.

Her father was already standing up and he just rolled his eyes at her. The purple dragon stood tall with the cube still in his hand.

"Don't you worry Claudia. If we succeed in this next part of the plan, the world could finally be ours. The elves will never stand a chance at what is coming," the dragon hissed. Claudia grinned and followed the dragon's gaze.

In the distance stood the Castle of Katolis.

Authors Note: And that's a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed this story, please leave and vote and a comment if you can! Also, don't worry a sequel is in planning!!

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